The lateral resistant ability under three kinds of vertical loads and the hysteretic performance under cyclic loading are analyzed and contrasted for four steel frames,six steel plates shear wall piece with slits(two rows) and six steel frames-steel plate shear wall with slits.
Optimal analysis for lateral stiffness of shear wall in mid-highrise RC frame-shearwall structure with special-shaped columns;
Optimal lateral stiffness of tall building based on initiative control;
Analysis of lateral stiffness influence on the prestressing force of frame;
Based on a practical project, the influence of the lateral rigidity on effective prestressing force is introduced, which is analyzed by methods of classical structural mechanics and finite element program.
针对实际工程中柱及连梁的抗侧刚度对梁预应力建立的影响 ,使用经典力学方法和有限元软件建立了平面和空间模型 ,并对计算结果作出比较。
Analytical models of 7-,13-,and 19-story building were used to analyze the lateral force resistance of multi-story and high-rise staggered truss systems.
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