An Assessment Approach for Halon substitute technique;
The analysis of the state of the replacement technology of Halon extinguishing system;
The Present Situation and Development of "Halon" Alternatives;
It is an important aspect of Halon replacement technology and strongly cared by researchers.
With the developoment of the halon phase-out,the construction of halon bank becomes the key matter of the current work.
广东省是我国开展淘汰哈龙工作的示范省 ,随着淘汰哈龙工作的不断深入 ,建设哈龙银行已成为了当前工作的重点。
Since the subscription of Montreal Protocol in 1987, the study on the halon alternatives (clean gas fire extinguishing agent) and the corresponding fire extinguishing systems has been lasted for more than 10 years.
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