Domain component interface identifier matching based on semantic;
Semantics based interface identifier matching method in a component library is presented,and based on the domain knowledge of insurance,the method implementation in a reusable component library of the insurance core business system is discussed.
The suggestion of "symmetry weld" is proposed,in view of systematic non-uniformity of the tested inner stress distribution of locomotive s left and right sides.
同时文中针对测试出的机体左、右侧内应力分布的有规律不均匀性 ,提出了“对称焊接”的建议。
Capitalize the first letter of each word that appears in a class or interface name.
This property contains a name of the port's primary receive location.
Select the name by which this new interface will be known.\0
Once the connection is established, the name of both parties are displayed in the main NetMeeting window .
Once the connection be establish , the name of both parties are display In the main netmeeting window
Type a name for this demand dial interface. A common practice is to name interfaces after the network or router to which they connect.
Select a name for this demand dial interface. A common practice is to name interfaces after the network or router to which they connect.
This property contains a name of the receive port. This property is required for instance creation.
The Role Link Type name must be different than the Role Link name.
This property contains the name of receive port used by the given instance of the receive location. This property is required for instance creation.
The name you type here will be the name of the connection you are creating.
"Connection name already exists, please enter a unique name
"The connection name already exists. Create a unique name.
(Server name:Port) - Port is optional
(服务器名称: 端口)- 端口是可选项
"Displays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it
Specify a name for this connection to your workplace.
What's his [her, their, its] name?
"There is already a connection with this name. Enter a unique name for this connection.
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