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payment of liquidated damage是什么意思



1)payment of liquidated damage,支付违约金2)fine for breach of contract,违约金3)default penalty,违约金4)fraud rent,违约租金5)Penalty,违约金6)Liquidated Damages,违约金


    There are always many controversies over the nature of fine for breach of contract and in China, the system of fine for contractual breach has undergone different stages from statutory fine to agreed fine.


    Theoretic basis for cumulative interest exiting as fine for breach of contract does not exist,so the credit card late fee is alienated from fine for breach of contract to the institution of plundering the people\'s wealth by taking advantage of the function of "enforcing to execute".


    Charging default penalty is neither an international practice,nor an effective way of risk compensation.


    And the manufacturer should introduce default penalty in order to constrain the behavior of retailer, and then a calculating formula of default penalty is presented between one manufacturer and one retailer fo.


    The paper,giving theoretical explanation to the nature,amount adjustment and procedure of adjustment of the default penalty stipiplated in Article No.


    It demonstrates incomplete contract by combining fraud rent and game model to analyze the process of contract - enforcing.


    The Understanding and Application of Some Basic Problems on Penalty——Concurrently Discuss on the Regulations of Penalty, Art. 114 in Contract Law;


    Pursuant to the demand of the economics development,and in purpose to keep balance between the protection of the freedom of the labor and the protection of the property right of the employing units,the Labor Contract Law of the People s Republic of China makes use of a legislation method,which,with exceptions,generally prohibits the conclusion of the clauses about the labor s penalty.


    Therefore in fact the "fine" in libraries rules is "penalty".


    The compensatory and punitive liquidated damages is defined by China Contract Law.


    By means of contrasting the common law and statute law,the concept,feature and character of the liquidated damages are discussed by the paper.

    本文根据实例探讨了误期损害赔偿金法律涵义 ,结合大陆法系和英美法系的对比 ,论述了违约金的概念和特征、违约金的性质、违约金和罚金的区别。

    The parties to a contract may agree that one party shall, when violating the contract, pay breach of contract damages.


    Where the parties prescribed liquidated damages for delayed performance, the breaching party shall, in addition to payment of the liquidated damages, render performance.


    Where the power customer delayed in paying the electricity charge, it shall pay liquidated damages in accordance with the contract.


    The payment of liquidated damages by the Seller shall not release the Seller from its obligation to deliver the delayed Technical Documentation.


    Otherwise, the carrier shall have the right to stop transporting, and claim to the shipper of the punishment.


    "Shall the Seller fail to deliver the equipment within the period as stipulated in Clause5.4.1, the penalty shall be paid by the Seller as follows:"


    "In addition, the breaching party shall pay to the other party a fine, which shall account for 15% of the total amount involved."


    The parties may prescribe that if one party breaches the contract, it will pay a certain sum of liquidated damages to the other party in light of the degree of breach,


    The payment of liquidated damages shall not release the Seller from its obligation to deliver the delayed Contract Equipment.


    In case the default fine is not sufficient to cover the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other party.


    You need 200 dollars rent in advance plus a 50 dollars breakage deposit.


    Provided that either party is unable to comply with its obligations under the agreement, such defaulting party shall pay compensation for damages to the other Party.


    Pricing the Fixed-Rate-Mortgage Contracts- Limitting on Payment-dates to Prepay or Default;


    A penalty fee of10%( of the total amount) will be charged for any cancellation made after the3 rd day of confirmed booking.


    "In case the Seller fail to make delivery in accordance with the final delivery schedule, the Seller shall pay the liquidated damages for late delivery at the following rates:"


    Theory of pricing no-default adjusted-rate-mortgage;


    A sum of money required to be paid as a penalty for an offense.


    Stipulatio poenae
