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separation of government and enterprise是什么意思



1)separation of government and enterprise,政企分开2)separating government functions from enterprise management,政企分开3)On Separation SOEs from Government,论"政企分开"4)reluctant seperation of the adminastrive functions and those of enterprise,政企难分5)separation of enterprise from government,政企分离6)the mixed functions of the government and enterprises,政企不分


    Now, the restructured aviation companies have to face with many difficulties before them: The hardship of separating government functions from enterprise management, debts accumulated before, concrete projects for future regrouping.


    Starting from the financial allowance to the state-owned enterprises,this paper analyzes the problems existing in their management,regarding that the mixed functions of the government and enterprises is the major problem and it leads to various wrong relationships and wrong management.


    With the separation of government administration and enterprise management, the government no longer manages enterprises directly, allowing enterprises to exercise independent management and assume responsibilities for their own profits and losses.


    "Clearly defining property rights, specifying rights and responsibilities, separating ownership from daily management and adopting scientific management"


    "Clearly established ownership, well-defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management"


    Research on Separating SOEs from Government in Mechanism of State Owned Assets Management;


    Construction of Benefit Equilibrium System Among Government、Bank and Enterprises in the Separation from Government and Enterprises;


    Uphold the principle of separating the functions of government from those of enterprises and alter the government's role in economic management


    Delegating to lower levels the power to manage enterprises and separating the functions of the government from those of enterprises are components of the reform not only of the economic structure but also of the political structure.


    Further streamline administration, delegate power to lower levels and keep the principle of separating the government functions from those of enterprises so as to liberalize state-run enterprises


    1. The strategy of structural reform to separate government administration and enterprise management and introduce specialized management.


    We need to break industrial monopolies by separating the functions of the government from those of enterprises and by restructuring enterprises, and we need to introduce competitive mechanisms in them.


    -- The work of separating the functions of the government from those of the enterprises has been carried out smoothly and enterprise strategic restructuring has taken significant steps.


    Third, we should promote the separation of the functions of the government from those of the enterprises, improve the supervisory system and consolidate and improve the leadership of enterprises.


    Efforts will be made to break industrial monopolies and establish a mechanism of competition by separating the functions of the government from those of enterprises and by restructuring enterprises.


    New progress was achieved in the reforms of state-owned industrial enterprises; big step was taken in separating enterprises from government management.


    It is necessary to adhere to the principle of separating government admini-stration from enterprise management and maintain the status of enterprises as the main player in foreign investment.


    Up to now, the provincial telecom administrations have all completed restructuring in line with the principle of separating government and enterprise functions.


    separate the functions of administration from those of management, strengthen the macro-economic regulation and control and rationalize the distribution of resources;


    "Governments at all levels must strictly abide by the laws and regulations concerning the management of state property, persisting in the separation of government functions from enterprise management and separation of ownership from management."
