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1)debt,债务2)debts,债务3)obligation,债务4)liabilities,债务5)credit and debt,债权债务6)Liability,负债,债务


    Study of strategic effect of corporate debt under the condition of uncertainty;


    Corporate Debt and Product Market Strategy: An Empirical Study on Chinese Listed Companies;


    Analytical Nodez Process in Clearing off Multidebts;


    The malpractices of paying off debts with fixed assets under the market economy conditions are discussed in detail, an actions to be taken to overcome these malpractices are suggested.

    对市场经济条件下 ,固定资产清偿债务所存在的弊端进行详尽的讨论 ,提出了解决这些弊端应采取的措

    As to how to deal with inheritee’s debts, inheritance principle of limited responsibility is adopted in Chian’s law, which cannot protect effectively creditor’s rights.


    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the debts of the Soviet Union were shifted upon Russia as the result of an effort made by creditors.

    苏联解体后 ,苏联的债务经债权人的努力全部转由俄罗斯承担 ,这使得俄罗斯债务猛增 ,几乎压垮预算 ,特别是俄加入巴黎债权人俱乐部后 ,被迫以高利息偿还苏联的债务 ,更使得俄罗斯债务重重 ,步履维艰。

    The investors are supposed to bear unlimited liability for its obligation if there exists casual relation between the illegal conducts of the actual enterprise applying for the lisense in its own name and discharging the claimant s obligatory right,the investors should also bear unlimited joint and several liability.

    挂靠集体企业的投资经营者应对企业的债务承担无限责任 ,如果被挂靠单位以自己的名义申办集体企业法人营业执照等违法行为与债权人的债权不能受清偿之间有因果关系 ,也应承担无限连带责任。

    The relation between the obligation and the duty is always a complicated theory in civil law which has brought about too much argument among scholars.


    Analysis about the creditor s rights and liabilities relations in enterprise s business;


    Based on the investigation and study of textile & garment enterprises, this articleexpounds the reasons and the main forms of their creditor's rights and liabilities.

    通过对纺织服装企业的实地调研 ,阐述了近年来纺织服装企业债权债务的产生原因和主要形式 ,并就纺织服装企业面临的债权债务纷争难点提出解决方

    Based on the analysis of the traditional management lever theory and combined with business operation and conditions of market economy, this paper introduces three factors such as the ratio of business assets and liabilities, self-owned funds and tax rate, and defines the generalized meaning of management lever with mathematics methodo.

    本文在对传统经营杠杆理论分析的基础上 ,结合当今市场经济条件下企业运行的模式和现状 ,引入企业资产债务比率、自有资金、税率等因素 ,应用数学理论、方法构建了广义经营杠杆 ,明晰了经营杠杆的基本构成 ,完善了经营杠杆理论的功能。

    debtors sharing an obligation


    Selling debt to a debt factor


    debt creating


    payment by a debtor of(part of)a debt


    There are no other disputes involving debts between the creditor and the debtor, and


    debt retirement: Paying off a debt.

    还债: 清偿一笔债务

    (v) The obligee released the obligor from performance;


    (vi) Both the obligee's rights and obligor's obligations were assumed by one party;


    is that of debtor and creditor--,


    The creditor's right of the obligor is not exclusively personal to it.


    A final discharge, as of a duty or debt.


    (iii) The obligations were set off against each other;


    consolidation period


    Where the obligor has delegated an obligation, the new obligor may avail itself of any of the original obligor's defenses against the obligee.


    Any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor’s early performance shall be borne by the obligor.


    A system by which debtors are bound in servitude to their creditors until their debts are paid.


    Any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor's partial performance shall be borne by the obligor.


    the practice of making a debtor work for his creditor until the debt is discharged.
