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increase the state tax revenue (fiscal revenue)是什么意思



1)increase the state tax revenue (fiscal revenue),增加财政收入2)add,增加3)increase,增加4)increasing,增加5)addition,增加6)augment,增加7)augmentation,增加8)build up,增加9)put on,增加10)accretion,增加


    Distribution transformer adds power factor correction capacitor in the secondary side to collect compensate, so as to advance power factor and augment the load capacity of transformer.


    This paper introduces different methods on how to add, delete, edit records in a database.

    介绍了利用MFCODBC对数据源中的数据进行修改、增加、删除等操作的方法 ,并配有VC ++实例说明 。

    In recent years, people attach more importance to "lie-detection"-a new psychology technique in the practice of public security organs, so it s necessary to add "lie-detection" to the crime psychology course and combine theory with practice in the course.


    Implementing the middlings rewashing process to increase cleaned coal yield;

    实施中煤再洗工艺 增加精煤产率

    By way of the analysis of the pharmaceutical variety and specifications of the injection,find recently that the pharmaceutical variety and specifications of the injection increases quickly in our country,it transcends the specifications scope of the pharmaceutical standard,brings many inconvenience in the aspects such as the use of the injection,quality tests and the price management,etc.


    It is inevitable for the use of iatric consumptive material in hospital to increase along with the increase of the surgery patient s amount.

    医院医疗耗材使用 ,随着就医病员尤其是手术病人的增加是必然的。

    (2) Optimizing riser operation, increasing the amount of pre-r.

    0Mt/a重油催化裂化装置原料性质不稳定、负荷率低、部分主风放空、烟气轮机效率低等问题 ,提出了挖潜增效的措施 :①筛选原油种类 ,降低原油重金属含量和硫含量 ,使柴油达到清洁燃料产品新标准 ;②优化提升管操作 ,增加预提升干气量和雾化蒸汽量 ,用酸性水代替石脑油作终止剂 ;③加大催化剂置换速率 ,保证催化剂活性 ;④将不完全再生改为完全再生 ,提高烟气轮机效率 ;⑤更换为适当的小叶片烟气轮机转子 ,再生器压力改由双动滑阀控制 ;⑥对气压机组调优等。

    In the paper,researching into the minimum varance set,we proved that the risk of optimal portfolio may not reduce at the same expected return on increasing securities number and gave the full and essential condition of distinguishing invalid security under risk non-reducing.


    Meanwhile we put forward a new approach –based on addition policy.

    在范例推理系统中 ,系统的学习会使范例库逐渐增大 ,一般来说范例库越大 ,知识越丰富 ,但也不能无限增加 ,否则会大大增加相似范例检索的时间 ,降低系统的总体性能 。