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original edition是什么意思



1)original edition,原版(书)2)original books,原版书3)the original edition,原版4)original negative,原版5)original textbook,原版教材6)Original Edition,原版教材7)Foreign periodicals,原版期刊8)original English books,原版英文9)original edition of teaching materials,原版教材10)original English edition,英文原版


    The revised edition deleted and changed 2260 words of comments of characters on political struggle and some sexual descriptions in the original edition which is both advantageous and disadvantageous.

    修订版删改原版 2 2 6 0多字。

    Comparison between Chinese textbook and English original textbook for higher medical education;


    This paper discusses some problems in bilingual education, such as the choice of teaching material of original edition in English and the teaching methods, combining with the author s experience in the bilingual teaching practice of the course of MATLAB programm.


    The Computer Beginner Should Read Original Edition Books Much;


    On the practice of classifying the original English books by using the chinese library classification fourth edition;


    Since the 《Several Resolutions on Strengthening Teaching Work of Undergraduate Course and Heightening the Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities》was issued by the Department of Education, the colleges and universities (mainly ordinary colleges) in Beijing have been making the reform about adopting original edition of teaching materials and double language teaching in their teaching work.

    近年来 ,特别是教育部印发了《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》之后 ,北京地区高等学校 (主要是普通高校 )开展了引进原版教材、采用外语教学的教学改革 ,这项改革意义重大 ,但现状不容乐观 ,存在着许多有待解决的问题 ,教育主管部门和高等学校应采用有针对性的措施加以解决。

    A tentative research on technology mathematics teaching based on the original English edition;
