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large earthquake是什么意思



1)large earthquake,大[地]震2)921 earthquake,921大地震3)Great earthquake,特大地震4)big earthquake,大地震5)large earthquake,大地震6)huge earthquake,巨大地震7)Large earthquakes,大地震8)Large earthquake zone,大地震带9)"large earthquake",“大地震”10)heavy earthquake on May 12,“5.12”大地震


    2004,in Indonesia occurred a great earthquake with M_S8.


    It is can raise efficiency to combine real time monitor seismic waveforms with big earthquake alarm.


    The result shows the speed of the Earth s rotation is frequently in relatively faster condition in the year or the last year that the large earthquakes of M.

    分析讨论了地球自转速率的变化与中国地震活动强度大的西部地区 1 90 0年以来的大[地]震的关系 ,所考察的地区主要包括西藏、青海、甘肃南部及陕西的西部。

    0 earthquake data occurred in Taiwan region (1900-2000) and analyzed the causation of ocean tide triggering large earthquakes,opened out the causality between Taiwan large earthquakes and tide as well as presented the assume about using the relation to serve for earthquake prediction.

    本文收集了台湾地区 (1 90 0 - 2 0 0 0 )Ms 7 0级地震资料 ,分析了海洋潮汐触发大[地]震的原因 ,揭示了台湾大[地]震与潮汐之间的因果关系 ,提出利用这种关系为地震预报服务的设想。

    The results are as follows: ① The two huge earthquakes occurred in the east of the Sunda Trench where there is a 1000 km long seismic gap for M≥8.

    使用NEIC全球地震目录对比研究了印尼苏门答腊两次巨大[地]震的构造背景、震源参数和余震活动的时空特征,主要结果如下:①两次巨大[地]震发生在巽他海沟东侧长约1 000 km的8级地震空段上;②9。

    The distribution of time intervals (T) between large earthquakes is usually considered as an irregular or even stochastic phenomenon.
