In the article experience of medicalrisk management was summarized, two styles of risk self-mastery and risk shift were compared and analyzed.
The paper presents two financing type risk management techniques risk retention and risk insurance transfer, introduces their proper applied conditions and ranges,comparatively analyzes them from net prevent value, opportunity loss, worry value and so on, demonstrates how to use Total Expected Cost principle to select optimal mix of retention and insurance with the example.
结合电力企业的风险特点 ,介绍了两种财务型的风险管理技术——风险自留和风险保险转移所适用的条件和范围 ,从现金流、机会成本和忧虑价值等方面对其进行了分析。
Determination of Optimal Retention in Excess-Loss Reinsurance;
A primary insurer thus sets an internal retention limit.
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