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personality right of composer是什么意思



1)personality right of composer,著作人格权2)copyright owner,著作权人3)copyright holder,著作权人4)copyright owners,著作权人5)personal right on copyright,著作人身权6)moral rights,著作人身权


    There are three opinions between scholars about the relation of personality right of composer and general personality right.


    Generally,the design institute shall be the copyright owner of architectural design works,and the construction company might be the cooperator in producing the architectural design works.


    Based on that,this paper analyzes the relationship of rights and obligations between the publishers and copyright holder


    CMS are the bridge between copyright owners and users of copyrighted works.


    traditionally, personal right on copyright can not be assigned, for the works can mirror authors personality, which contradict the function of cyberspace.


    Many countries insist that the personal right on copyright be untransferable.

    目前 ,世界各国原则上都坚持著作人身权的不可转让性 ,但是随着科技的发展 ,技术的进步 ,这一理论已经很难适应网络时代知识产权保护的需要。

    Study on Moral Rights and Its Circulation;


    In fact,because the property rights and the moral rights is owned to different persons in the process of pledge,so the conflictions between of pledge and copyrights owners is appeared.


    owner of copyright


    Article 9 The term "copyright owners" shall include:

    第九条 著作权人包括:

    Software copyright owners may license other persons to exercise their software copyright and shall have the right to accept compensations.


    Section 1 Copyright Owners and Their Rights

    第一节 著作权人及其权利

    On the Confrontation and Settlement of Rights and Interests between Library and Copyright Owner


    As used in the Law, a published work refers to a work which has been made known to the public by means stipulated in the Law.


    To transfer or license another person to exercise the software copyright of the copyright owner.


    (1) publishing a work without the permission of the copyright owner;


    Copyright owners, in exercising their copyright, shall not violate the Constitution or laws or prejudice the public interests.


    such work shall not be exploited where the copyright owner has declared that such exploitation is not permitted.


    Other rights that shall be enjoyed by software copyright owners.


    Digital Library and Copyright Protection;


    Analyzing the Infringement Act to Copyright Holder in the Press;


    The term "copyright" shall include the following personal rights and property rights:


    Research on Spirit Damage Compensate for Infringement of Authors Personal Rights;


    Article 14 The copyright in a work created by compilation shall be enjoyed by the compiler, provided that the exercise of such copyright shall not prejudice the copyright in the preexisting works included in the compilation.

    第十四条 编辑作品由编辑人享有著作权,但行使著作权时,不得侵犯原作品的著作权。

    "The copyright in a work created by compilation shall be enjoyed by the compiler, provided that the exercise of such copyright shall not prejudice the copyright in the preexisting works included in the compilation."


    Article 10 The term "copyright" shall include the following personal rights and property rights:

    第十条 著作权包括下列人身权和财产权: