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assignment of registered trademark是什么意思



1)assignment of registered trademark,注册商标转让2)ASSIGNMENT OF REGISTERED TRADE MARK,注册商标的转让3)assign the registration of a mark,转让商标注册4)REGISTRATION OF ASSIGNMENT,转让注册5)trademark registration,商标注册6)registered trademark,注册商标


    The key to resolve this problems is improv- ing the system of trademark monopoly rights and determining unfair competition to rush registration and founding strict review system for trademark registration.


    China s Trademark Law amended in 1993 has prescribed the system of trademark registration.

    1993年修正的我国《商标法》虽然对商标注册制度做了规定 ,但在商标注册申请人、商标的构成要素、用作商标的标志、保护在先权、优先权、禁止恶意注册他人的商标和司法审查等方面与《巴黎公约》、《马德里协定》和《TRIPS协议》的要求尚有一定的差距。

    Recent years witness increasing cases concerning trademark infringement crimes,but our penal code and relevant judicial interpretations lack definite applicable regulations,it leads different criteria of judgment for "knowingly","the same commodity","the same trademark" when deciding what behavior constitutes crime of counterfeiting registered trademark.


    Since China adopts the registered principle,the protect for the unregistered trademarks is proved to be a weak point in China.


    Crime against registered trademark is a comparatively outstanding problem in contemporary China s social economic practice.


    (3) where the registered trademark is assigned unilaterally (that is,without the required approval); and


    Article21 In applying for the assignment of a registered trademark, the assignor and the assignee shall file one Application for Assignment of a Registered Trademark with the Trademark Office.


    Meeting of Heads of Technology Transfer Registries


    The assignment of a registered trademark shall be published after it has been approved.


    Article39 Where a registered trademark is assigned, the assignor and assignee shall conclude a contract for the assignment, and jointly file an application with the trademark Office.


    Article 25. Where a registered trademark is assigned, both the assignor and assignee shall jointly file an application with the Trademark Office.

    第二十五条 转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当共同向商标局提出申请。

    The application procedures for assignment of a registered trademark shall be performed by the assignee, which must conform to the provisions of Article2 of these Rules.


    The assignment of a registered trademark shall be published after it has been approved, and the assignee enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark from the date of publication.


    The Trademark Office shall reject and not approve any application for the assignment of a registered trademark that may cause misidentification, confusion or other harmful effects.


    (3) Increase or assignment of the registered capital of the joint venture;


    The transfer of one party's share in the registered capital shall be effected only with the consent of the other parties to the venture.


    Chapter IV. Renewal, Assignment and Licensing of RegisteredTrademarks

    第四章 注册商标的续展、转让和使用许可

    "The registered capital and debts situation of the joint venture company; 4. The time of payment, increase and assignment of the registered capital of the joint venture company."


    The registered capital and debts situation of the joint venture company; The time of payment, increase and assignment of the registered capital of the joint venture company.


    As the legal registrant of this domain name, only you can authorize such transfer.


    "If any of the joint venturers wishes to assign its registered capital, it must obtain the consent of the other parties to the venture."


    register of assignment of book debt


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