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Direct intention是什么意思



1)Direct intention,直接故意2)direct intent,直接故意3)direct intent and indirect intent,直接故意和间接故意4)atypical direct intention,非典型直接故意5)untypical direct intent,不典型直接故意6)aim of direct intention,直接故意目的


    The crime of contract fraud is not absichtsdelikte in criminal theory,because there is an aim in the subjective aspect and the offence of the crime of contract fraud can only be direct intention.


    Actors committing this criminal conduct must be charged with the same crime under the direct intention and indirect intention of offenders,The cognitive factor of this crime is on the only fact that conductor must be fully aware the results of his conducts of taking harbor and wink to offenders(including organs of crime and its members).

    包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪之包庇行为只能是出自故意 ,而纵容行为则可出自直接故意和间接故意。

    This article, based on the facts of the two vicious traffic accidents in Changchun and Zhengzhou, analyzes the untypical case of direct intents, which can be termed as the untypical direct intent.


    In this article ,by comparring the differences in the views of the criminal psychology by the criminology and the science of criminal law ,the author deduces the particular and emphased study of the criminology in intention and negligence,direct intent and indirect intent ,aim and motivation etc.


    The paper tries to explore the offence formsinthe crime of infringing ontrade secret,byfocusing on hethe following distinction of three pairs of concepts :intentional and negligent,direct intention and indirectintention,andtypical direct intention and atypical direct intention.


    This article, based on the facts of the two vicious traffic accidents in Changchun and Zhengzhou, analyzes the untypical case of direct intents, which can be termed as the untypical direct intent.


    It is constituted by an aim of direct intention and a special aim of crime with different mental contents.


    In accordance with the existing criminal law, rape is directly intentionally subjective.


    Exposition of The Actual Intent Degree--From Certain Clauses of Criminal Law;


    Probe into some questions about the unit direct and calculated criminal form;


    Thoughts on Simple Joint Direct Intentional Perpetration;


    On Untypical Direct Intents--The problems of criminal law with reference to two vicious traffic accidentsin Changchun and Zhengzhou;


    a direct result of the accident.


    Covers the physical losses caused by natural hazards and accidents during the construction period.


    I was aware that he was out to make things difficult for me. Therefore, bold and confident, I reached out my hand for the bundle.


    SOCKS is still down. Continue with direct connections?


    SOCKS and proxies are still down. Continue with direct connections?

    SOCKS 和代理仍然有故障。继续直接连接吗?

    in direct sunlight; in direct contact with the voters; direct exposure to the disease; a direct link; the direct cause of the accident.


    The Criticism towards Literal/Non-literal Distinction from Different Perspectives;


    The implications of this of direct investment are many.


    It is dynamic, straightforward and rich in content,


    Persons directly responsible for the intentional abandonment of injured or sick servicemen on battlefields, if the case is serious, are to be sentenced to five years or fewer in prison.


    A Property All Risk Insurance Policy insures property against loss or damage by natural hazards or accident as specify in the policy.


    It is of great significance for avoiding accidents and boosting the quality of dispatching work.


    This is due to their direct lineage from primitive sorcery dance.
