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List of Fixed Assets for Tax Refund Claimed by Business Entity是什么意思



1)List of Fixed Assets for Tax Refund Claimed by Business Entity,营业人申报固定资产退税清单2)List of Sales for Goods and Services Sold by a Business Entity at zero-tax-rate,营业人申报适用零税率销售额清单3)Declaration of Overpaid Business Tax Returned by the Customs,海关退还溢缴营业税申报单4)Application Form for Reissue of Individual Income Tax Refund Certificate Declaration(Assessment) Form for Personal Loss in Disaster,综所税退税凭单补发申请书、个人灾害损失申报(核定)表5)business profit tax return,营业税申报书6)Application to Act as Business Agent for the Filing of Input/Output of Business Tax via Electronic Media,代理营业人申请营业税进销项数据媒体申报函