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FINA following items not available是什么意思



1)FINA following items not available,以下项目不可获得2)Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results,确定可以获得最大收获的最小成本3)winning projects,获奖项目4)Availability,可获得性5)available,可获得的6)unforeseen item,不可预见项目


    To make a study and analysis of the winners and projects of the Nobel Prize of Medicine in recent 100 years, and has found out that most winning projects are productions of creative achievements and basic researches, and the winners mostly bear the framework multi-subject knowledge and are from the first-class academic circumstances and have owned high spirits.

    通过对诺贝尔医学奖 10 0余年获奖项目和获奖者的分析研究 ,发现创造性成果获奖多 ,基础研究成果获奖多 ,获奖者大多具有多学科的知识结构 ,获奖者大多出自一流的学术环境和获奖者都具有崇高的精神品质等特点。

    Barrier of Availability and Accessibility to Essential Drugs;


    Based on the six representative samples in the library science and information science,the paper draws 300 web citations randomly and explores their availability from three different aspects——availability,language,original web site.

    本文以图书情报学科 6种有代表性的核心期刊为样本 ,从中随机抽取了 30 0篇web引文 ,从可获得性、语种、来源网站三个不同的角度研究了其可查证性。

    FINA [following items not available]


    This program makes it possible for students to work at the school.


    Tip#19: When a project is identified as troubled, there are three areas of focus that can yield short term results: people, process, and product.


    But if, for whatever reason, you can't do that, then this technique will allow you to get in the right ball-park of a correct white balance by eye.


    Try not to argue about trivial matters.


    Adversely affect the access available to a Member; impede the full utilization of such access; or disrupt trade under this Agreement.


    Their recognition of the new law is unlikely.


    You will not only get a reward but also win fame.

    => (你将不只可以获得悬赏还可以成名喔.

    If two billion of the yuan paid out in bonuses last year had been held in reserve, everyone would have fared better this year and it would have been unnecessary to discontinue many capital construction projects.


    Irving: There are a number of other positions to consider. We have done good work so far. We can discuss the remaining items after lunch.


    In the new project they took eggs and DNA from different people.


    3. Members may also exclude from patentability:


    It is incomprehensible that they is admitted to the program.

    他们竟也获准参与这个项目, 真是不可思议。

    It is Incomprehensible that they are admitted to the program


    It is incomprehensible that they were admitted to the program.


    One can use the Requirements Elicitation Success Measurement checklist to identify where your project stands as far as the success of the requirements elicitation is concerned.


    Wang Ping: The deficiency existing in athletic sports can be en-tirely supplemented from non-athletic events.


    Various speeds may be obtained by the use of large and small pulleys.
