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first instance是什么意思



1)first instance,一审2)Workouting Two and Exanminating One,两编一审3)role of preliminary trial,一审作用4)jurisdiction of first instance,一审管辖5)first instance as the final instance,一审终审6)decision in the first instance,一审判决


    To perfect the reform of the first instance and appellate instance of civil litigation in China, the relationship between the general procedure and simple procedure should be made clear, the central status of first instance trial of fact be guaranteed and the conditions of appellate be r.

    在我国现行民事诉讼一审与上诉审运行现状的基础上 ,应当进一步完善普通程序与简易程序的建构 ,正确理顺二者的关系 ,确保一审事实审的中心地位 ;适当限定上诉条件 ,进一步理顺一审与上诉审的关系。

    According to both of the regulation that between "demand" of a lawsuit and "supply" of the civil procedure and the requirement of carrying out the aim of the procedure efficiency value , the civil procedure law have the necessity to extend the scope of the apply of the first instance as the final instance on the base of the existing lawmaking .


    On August 27,2002,Tokyo local court made the decision in the first instance.

    20 0 2年 8月 2 7日 ,侵华日军细菌战受害者向日本政府索赔一案 ,在日本东京地方法院作出一审判决 ,认定了 731部队等在中国实施细菌战的事实 ,但驳回了原告的诉讼请求。