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take great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics是什么意思



1)take great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics,沿着有中国特色的社会主义道路阔步前进2)road of socialism with Chinese characteristics,有中国特色的社会主义道路3)socialist road with Chinese characteristics,中国特色社会主义道路4)the socialist road with Chinese characteristics,中国特色社会主义道路5)socialism with Chinese characteristics,有中国特色的社会主义6)the road of Chinese characteristic socialism,中国特色的社会主义道路


    The report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a scientific summary on the socialist road with Chinese characteristics.


    The socialist road with Chinese characteristics adhere to and develops the socialist ideas of Marx and Engels,realizes contemporary Marxism,upholds and develops the ideas of Lenin\'s New Economic Policy,and transcends the Soviet model of socialism.


    The theory of socialist road with Chinese characteristics results from the continual exploration,development and innovation of the combination of the fundamental principles of Marxism with Chinese revolution and construction by the four generations of CPC leadership.


    The findings are of practical meanings for us further improving and developing the theory system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and adhering to the socialist road with Chinese characteristics.


    The opening of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics is based on the great historical turning point of the Third Plenum of the 11th of the Chinese Communist Party.


    Since the 1950\'s,several generations of CPC have faced the national conditions of economic backwardness and large popu-lation,they have had a serious,difficult and tortuous exploration for building the socialist road with Chinese characteristics in differ-ent historical periods.


    Only whenwe make careful analysis and research on it, read it as the main component of socialist market economy, and fully affirm its important position in market economy, can we say we have really understood "socialism with Chinese characteristics".


    They declare socialism with Chinese characteristics belongs to democratic socialism and the thoughts have an effect on ours.


    Eighty-one years pratice of Chinese Communist party tells us that we forever must insist on combining Marxist essential theories with Chinese factual pratice,we forever must insist on being conducted by scientific socialist theories and we forever must insist on marching on the road of Chinese characteristic socialism.

    中国共产党的 81年来的实践启示我们 ,必须始终坚持马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实践相结合 ,坚持科学社会主义理论的指导 ,坚定不移地走有中国特色的社会主义道

    take great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics


    Continue to take Big strides on the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.


    persevere in the reform and opening to the outside world as well as in advancing along the record to socialism with Chinese characteristics.


    We firmly believe that in the new century, the Chinese people will unshakably proceed along the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.


    The basic task of the nation is to concentrate its efforts on socialist modernization by following the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.


    It's a period in which we have continued to forge ahead triumphantly on the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics in spite of difficulties and risks.


    On zhe CPC s Preliminary Seeking for the Socialist Road with Chinese Character around the Convening of the Eighth National Congress of the CPC;


    The Chinese people are advancing on the road of Building socialism with Chinese characteristics


    Along the Road of Socialism with the Chinese Characteristics Realizing the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation;

    沿着中国特色社会主义道路 实现中华民族的伟大复兴

    We shall push ahead along the road to Chinese-style socialism.


    Today Chinese people are confidently taking a road to the future, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics pioneered by comrade Den Xiaoping.


    Now, the Chinese people are confidently taking the road to the future, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics pioneered by Comrade Deng Xiaoping.


    The Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics Is the Only Way to Development and Progress in China;


    We march forward along the socialist road.


    Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics


    On the Origin of Socialism with Chinese Features;


    The Choice of the Socialist Road and the Adhering to the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics


    The Four Premise Questions of the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
