The accuracy of height finding of the airborne radar is inaccurate, especially, the accuracy is worse for the long-range target, so, using the target height information provided by airborne radar to airborne/sea target classification is rather uncertain.
The accuracy of height finding of the airborne radar is inaccurate, especially,the accuracy is worse for the long-range target,so,using the target height information provided by airborne radar to airborne/sea target classification is rather uncertain.
In consideration of great influences of the elevation information, it was taken as an influencing factor of the second class, and introduced into the Co-Kriging method for spatial rainfall interpolation, and a new Co-Kriging method was put forward.
5 m resolution panchromatic and 10 m resolution multi-spectral imaging and the building elevation is obtrained through the shadouss of the buildings;Orthogonal wavelet transform is used to extract the texture of the image information,spectral information,elevation information are combined to identify the buildings of high-rise,medium and low heights in the City of Dongguan.
According to high frequency information of high resolution image, this new method modifies the intensity component of the fusion image.
该方法根据高分辨率图像的高频信息 ,对多光谱图像经过 IHS变换的强度信息进行了调制 。
Application of height information to overpass map matching
(2) But they support and agree on agricultural technological information highly;
Study on Depth and Salt Information of Remote Sensing about Salt Lake with High Concentration of Salt Contents;
Material is the key point of the super-density information technology.
Breakthrough in Research on Super-Density Information Storage System
creative level [IT competency of teachers]
High-precision Target Positioning by Use of the Modeling of Characteristic Information;
Research on Information Disclosure Institution of China Colleges and Universities;
Ontology Apping Based on High-Pecision of Information Integration;
Raise Accounting Information Quality by Strenghening Enterprise Internal Control System;
强化企业内控制度 提高会计信息质量
Enhancing informatization degree and meeting network economic age;
提高信息化程度 迎接网络经济时代
Discussion on Information Service of University Library from the Angle of Reader’s Satisfaction
High quality product of Lixin is closely linked with Lixin's much attention to science and technology.
The Research on Methods of Obtaining the High Precision Pointing Information in Space Optical Communications;
Gassian scale-space corner detection algorithm based on info-entropy measurement
Perfecting the Information Personnel System While Enhancing the Teaching Quality of Higher Education;
完善教学信息员制度 提高高校教学质量
Study on the Information Mechanism of How to Improve the Reception Degree of Peasants Informatization--Based on the Analysis of Hainan;
Opinion of Internet accounting and Information Timeliness,Highly Sharing Relationship;
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