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baby bonds,small bond是什么意思



1)baby bonds,small bond,小额债券2)xiao e,《小额》3)microfinance,小额信贷4)small-amount direct loan,小额直贷5)micro payment,小额支付6)small credit,小额信贷


    With “ xiao e " and “ chun e shi " as well as some others as sample works, this article centers on the folklore of Beijing novels at its early stage from the following three aspects: narration style, visual angle and culture spirit.

    本文主要以《小额》、《春阿氏》为对象 ,同时结合其他京味小说 ,从叙述方式、视角、文化精神等方面来探讨早期京味小说所表现的市井情味。

    Empirical Study on RCC s Microfinance in Minority Poverty Area;


    The Cause Study on Low Efficiency of Rural Microfinance in China;


    The Analysis of Information Asymmetry in Microfinance;


    After several years development, the small-amount direct loan in the minority areas of Liaoning Province has played a positive role in poverty alleviation.


    A micro payment protocol CertPayWord was put forward after analyzing the limitation of atomicity of the PayWord protocol.

    分析了PayWord这种小额支付协议 ,针对PayWord的一些关于交易原子性的局限性 ,提出了一种新的支付协议———CertPayWord,此协议沿用PayWord协议的Payword链来表示货币 ,充分利用交易证书对交易信息进行签名 ,并记录交易步骤的状态 ,从流程上保证交易的原子

    This paper introduces the concept of mobile payment and micro payment first, and then current situation of mobile payment system overseas and domestically.


    This paper first introduces the concept of mobile communication commerce , then fetches out the definition of micro payment and mobile payment , It compares the characters of them .


    Disscussed the actived role of small credit,as the innovation way of financial serve, in developing economy and provide for and help oneself by engaging in production for helping the poverty stratum.


    Hence,the agricultural banks should carry out the principles of serving the needs of agriculture,rural areas and farmers,reforming system,operating business,and listing when opportunity coming,actively develop the finance service of supply chain,small credit,and farmer.


    Since small credit becomes a newborn thing on the financial development history of our country,it is that the nine-hundreds millions peasant of our country has improved production condition especially the peasant of poor backward area has offered production capital to pass the practice of more than 10 years and try.
