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small entity是什么意思



1)small entity,小的个体2)smaller entities,比较小的个体3)individual size,个体大小4)body size,个体大小5)body volume,个体大小6)Individual miniaturization,个体小型化


    We have selected a kind of bivalves, Corbicula fluminea, which commonly distributes in the tidal flats of Changjiang estuary, as the study material in this research work, and analyzed the effects of seasonal variation and individual size on Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr accumulation in that kind of bivalve.

    以长江河口湿地生态系统一种习见的大型底栖动物河蚬 Corbicula fluminea 为研究对象,分析了季节变化和个体大小对河蚬积累 Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd 和 Cr 的影响。

    , individual size of length and width) and abundance of YLES in BPH from different geographic populations (i.


    The relationship between the weight of reproductive structure, reproductive allocation and individual size of Elymus nutans at different densities was studied in the present paper.


    Effects of temperature on population growth and body size of Hydra sp.;


    Provided that organisms are of a self-similar fractal-like network and their metabolic process follows laws of mass and energy conservation, and that energy distributes within organisms with least cost, West, Brown and Enquist(1997)proposed a 3/4 scaling relationship between metabolic rate and body size, i.


    Based on the sex determination of Hymenoptera parasitic wasps that unfertilized egg develops into a male while fertilized egg develops into a female, the insemination potential of male Trichogramma ostriniae and its relationship with body size, age and the number of copulations were studied.


    The annual dynamics of Brachionus (Rotifera) populations in Lake Jinghu of Anhui Province, China was studied in the year 2003, and the relationships between their body volumes, egg volumes as well as relative egg volumes and the ecological factors including water temperature, Chl-a concentration were regressively analyzed.


    Individual miniaturization is the basic .

    定义植物个体小型化是在草原过度放牧条件下 ,草原植物植株变矮 ,叶片变短、变窄 ,节间缩短 ,以及根系分布浅层化等性状的集合。

    The variety of different tissue cell size and it s quantity in leaves of Stipagrandis, Leymus chinensis, Agropyron michnoi, Carex korshinskyi and Alliumbidentatum in different restoring succession was studied by means of paraffin sectioncombined with GIS image Software, to revealed the inherent mechanism ofcommunity s individual miniaturization.

    本文首次将GIS软件应用到植物解剖学研究中,对处于不同恢复演替阶段的大针茅(Stipa grandis)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)、米氏冰草(Agropyron michnoi)、黄囊苔草(Carex korshinskyi)、双齿葱(Allium bidentatum)等五种植物叶不同组织细胞的大小(或厚度)和部分组织细胞的数量变化进行了动态分析,在组织细胞水平上揭示了退化群落个体小型化的内在机制。

    Aims Our objective is to determine whether 1) characteristics of gazing-induced individual miniaturization differ among plant species and across grassland communities,2) miniaturized plants have detectable changes in resource allocation,and 3) grazing-induced changes in plant resource allocation affect ecosystem functioning at the plant community level.


    An individual of unusually small size.


    a small elite group.


    The prostate is a small gland about the size of a walnut.


    A small party was made up.


    a little dining room; a small house; read the small print; a little (or small) group.


    The prostate is a small gland in men.


    “Walking” and Experience:the Individual Style of Zhu Wen’s Novel;


    The general well-off level is one that emphasizes material consumption.


    He is a robust young man.


    A very small object, creature, or particle.


    The child's temperature is above normal.


    As I passed his room, there was my faithful friend in the doorway.


    The solar system is one small system in the whole of the Milky Way.


    The smallest bacterium is that complex.


    Divides form into four sizable panes.


    They organized a little club for the study of history.


    a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves).


    small genus of dioecious tropical aquatic plants.
