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prioneer industry是什么意思



1)prioneer industry,先驱工业2)precursor,先驱3)pioneer,先驱4)forerunner,先驱5)forerunners,先驱6)avant garde,先驱7)avant-courier,先驱8)forerun,先驱9)prelude,先驱10)avantgarde,先驱


    Nanometer NH\-4Al(OH)\-2CO\-3 precursor was prepared by a homo-precipitation method synthesized from NH\-4Al(SO\-4)\-2 and NH\-4HCO\-3.

    以分析纯硫酸铝铵和碳酸氢铵为原料 ,采用均相沉淀法制备纳米Al2 O3先驱体。

    Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) is not only an outstanding English novelist but also an important precursor of modern feminist literary criticism of the twentieth century.


    Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, the founder of German realism, is one of the pioneers of German Classics.

    莱辛是德国现实主义文艺的创始人 ,也是德国古典文学时代的先驱。

    AbstractHu Dunfu was one of the pioneers to introduce modern sciences into China.


    Emily Dickinson,a famous 19th century American poetess,enjoys equal popularity with Whitman and is conferred the pioneer of the 20th century English and American Imagist movement.


    On the review of ZHANG Zhidong as the forerunnerof modern education of China;


    He is not only looked upon as the modern educator of China,but also the forerunner.


    He is therefore was a worthy forerunner both in .


    Usually,it is Hallam,Lingard and Macaulay who have been recognized,in the English and Chinese academic circle, as the forerunners or founders of the Whig Historical School,but it is injustice.


    This paper is to examine the modern features of the cultural personality of the forerunners of the May 4 th Movement from the triple structure angle:the rational core of personality consisting of free and independent subjective consciousness;vigorous vitality assisted by rich and romantic emotions;modern wings of personality enriched by the yearning of ideals and the strong will for struggle.

    从自我意识的三重建构视角 ,探索并审视五四先驱文化人格的现代性特征 :自由、独立的主体意识 ,构成人格的理性核心 ;丰富浪漫的情感辅佐自我以旺盛的生命活力 ;对理想的向往和为之决绝斗争的意志 ,丰满了人格的现代羽翼 ;他们历经自醒、自救、自立的多重实现 ,在思想上警醒了昏睡的国人。