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scarcity economy是什么意思



1)scarcity economy,稀缺经济2)scarcity,稀缺3)shortage,稀缺4)Scarcity Value,稀缺价值5)scarcity,稀缺性6)scarce coal resources,稀缺煤种7)rareness,稀缺性8)rare kinds,稀缺品种9)rare mineral,稀缺矿种10)water resource's scarcity,水稀缺


    It is Simon s creative viewpoint to regard human beings information processing ability as scarce resources of decision makers, and it s also the logical starting point of applied thoughts of his bounded rationality model——theory of the scarcity of psychological resources.


    The reason is that the scarcity assumption in the theoretic foundations of Western Mainstream Economics fails to distinguish the two conceptions of desire and competence,which makes the whole theoretic system a castle in the air,unable to reveal and make up for the intrinsic defects of international trade system.


    This paper introduces the connotation and principle of the recycling economy,and analyzes on the concepts of the traditional economy such as the consumption,shortage and market from the angle of the recycling economy,and advances the inevitability of developing the recycling economy in China.


    the abstract deductive analysis method of value theory system, the abstract analysis method, the scarcity value theory of great significance, the natural order theory of unique features, the value theory of the link between past and future.

    斯密的价值理论具有五个重要的方法论特点和理论特色 :价值理论体系上的抽象—演绎分析法、抽象分析法、意义重大的稀缺价值论、独具特色的自然秩序论和承前启后的价值理论 ;研究斯密价值理论的方法论特点和理论特色 ,对于深化社会主义社会劳动和劳动价值论的研究 ,具有极为重要的启发意义。

    With regard to the severe situation of water resources in China,scarcity and externality of water resources are analyzed by use of theories and methods of economics.


    The analysis shows that the resources value of water is consisted of property value,serviceability value and scarcity value.


    The article presents the cause of the formation of market power in electric power market, the relation between scarcity and market power, and the analysis methods of market power, enumerates several mitigatory measures of market power and analyzes advantages and disadvantages of them.

    对电力市场中市场势力的形成原因、市场势力与稀缺性的关系以及市场势力的分析方法进行了研究探讨 ,列举了几种平抑市场势力的方法 ,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了分析 ,为我国电力市场的规范发展提出了建

    Additionally,the scarce coal resources for coking such as fat coal and coking coal should be protected and utilized more effectively,and the coordinated developing pattern between coking coal production and coking industry should be established.


    Once linked with economy, they can own two significant characters limitation (or finite) and rareness (or value).

    当与经济联系起来时 ,便具有稀缺性和极限

    The rareness of water resource, continuously increased needs and the pollution of the water lead to the economic thinking and impulse the investigation and succeed of the water right law.


    Following the principle of sustainable development,the authors explore the situation and potential as well as the existing problems of China's rare kinds of coal resources.

    遵循可持续发展的要求, 探讨了我国稀缺品种煤炭资源的态势及存在的问题, 提出了稀缺品种煤炭资源可持续利用的相应对