Three methods of preventing static electricity are proposed, and the discharge principle of non-string wrist belt and its merits are illustrated mainly in this paprer.
本文提出了防止静电的三种方法 ,重点阐述了无绳腕带的泄电机理及其具有的方便、安全等优点 ,并与有绳腕带进行了性能对比 ,指出有绳腕带存在的不足 ,最后提出了进一步提高无绳腕带泄电效率的途
Cordless Telephone Application Project Based on Bluetooth and Smartphone;
Design a circuit of portable port of cordless telephone set;
A new channel controlled mode for the cordless telephone (cyclic unfixed channel assignment with a half channels) is proposed.
提出一种新的无绳电话信道控制方式 :二分之一信道组循环不定位方式 。
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