Delegation-based Distributed Network Management;
Xie Juezai transferred ancient topics of "running routine by one s own" and "asking others to work" into modern language fitting the context of time and environment as routinism and bureaucratism, at the same time, he combined the idea closely with the leadership style of that time, so to reflect and develop political and legal tradition systematically with reality.
Endorsement of collection is one kind of the non-transferable endorsement.
In this paper,the author holds that the delegated legislation is the legislative action that the executive authority makes legislations according to the delegating law which was made by legislative organ in legislative procedure.
文章认为 ,委任立法是指行政机关依据立法机关以法定程序制定的授权法创制法规的行为。
The concept -"delegated legislation" begins in UK and USA ,that is institute legislation under the authorized law, "Authorized law" comes from parliament, legislation on the basis of this authority is called delegated legislation.
From jurisprudential perspective, the following three doctrines as representativ es concerning the relationship between directors and their corporations "depute doctrine", "agency doctrine", "agency and trust doctrine" are expounded, f iguring out how to identify the relationship in China.
从法理角度分析“委任说”、“代理说”、“代理与信托兼有说”三种有代表性的关于董事与公司关系的观点 ,从而探寻界定我国董事与公司关系的最佳途径。
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