In accordance with the Agreement of the Commitments on accession to the WTO,China introduced the system of temporary restraining order into the intellectual property protection field.
<Abstrcat>There is no regulation about the remedies before litigation of resolution flaws of the general meeting of shareholders in our country.
It is regulated by law that guaranty should be a dominant necessary condition of application for the use of attachment of property before the institution of an action.
我国立法规定以提供担保作为申请诉前保全的显性必要条件 ,这造成实践中诉前保全应用较少 ,一些经济困难的当事人合法权益难以保护 ,笔者试从诉前保全的立法目的和制度分析入手 ,比较外国相关制度 ,质疑其担保条件的显性地位 ,并进而重塑诉前保制度的申请条件 ,恢复担保条件隐性地位。