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win-win situation是什么意思



1)win-win situation,双赢局面2)win-win,双赢3)double win,双赢4)win-win situation,双赢5)mutual benefit,双赢6)double-win,双赢7)double win,"双赢"8)bilateral win,“双赢”9)benefits for both user and supplier,供需双赢10)mutual benefit,互动双赢


    Developing recycle economy to realize economy and environment win-win;

    发展循环经济 实现经济与环境的“双赢”

    Build Harmonious Campus Achieve "win-win" Education;

    构建和谐校园 实现双赢教育

    Consideration on Dissymmetry in Win-Win Strategy in China;


    So the Large-scale development in west China has not to sacrifice the ecology environment to get the short increasing of the e-conomy, we must follow the double win of the environment and economy, develop the features economy and the green economy, build the economy system of the environment friendship.


    We should be based on the realistic situation of our country in the pattern-shift period while designing the relationship between power and right so as to realize double win and the success of constitutional government in China.

    我们必须立足于转型时期的具体国情从实现双向互动、共生共强的双赢格局考虑出发设计、规划国家权力与公民权利关系 ,将权利与权力关系作为基本的理论框架和出发点检视宪政建设之得失、成败 ,以求真正植根于中国情境之中的宪政事业的成功。

    Strategic alliance, synergism and double win are the most fashionable nouns in modern society.

    本文论述战略联盟、协同与双赢三者之间的关系,指出双赢是战略联盟实现协同效益的基础 。

    Developing three-dimensional and ecological model, achieving win-win situation of protection and development;


    It will largely introduce the latter one which was little known before,and get a comment that sports and economy can reach mutual benefit.


    Human-centered management should be based on "mutual benefit" of the persistent development of university and the undergraduates full-scale development.


    they can get the mutual benefit.


    Mode of Humanistic Organizational Administration: Emphasizing Individuals and Seeking Double-Win;


    Free design idea is results of mutual effort of part A and architect;only this can realize double-win.


    As bilateral win is a new concept,people do not clearly recongnize or know it.

    “双赢”是近年来出现的一个新名词 ,它的问世立即引起国内外人士的极大关注 ,并将成为当前处理国际关系的一个重要原则。