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cumulative punishment是什么意思



1)cumulative punishment,数罪并罚2)concurrent punishment for several crimes,数罪并罚3)combined punishment,数罪并罚4)combined punishment for several crimes,数罪并罚5)joinder of punishments for plural crimes,数罪并罚6)Unit Joinder of Punishments for Plural Crimes,单位犯罪数罪并罚


    But this merged punishment method can not fully and fairly achieve the legislative intent,violating the principle that "anyone can not be penalized for the same crime again",which leads to cumulative punishment extremely cumbersome.


    The original application cases should be analyzed with imaginative joiner of offenses or cumulative punishment.


    The determination of the scope of plural crimes is the premise of studying cumulative punishment.


    The issue of the quantification of the concurrent punishment for several crimes refers mainly to the determination of the term of imprisonment ranged from the maximum term of the individual crime to the total term of all the crimes, while the determination is concerned only with the term instead of the plots of the individual crime.

    数罪并罚的量化问题主要是指适用限制加重原则的情况下如何在个罪中最高刑期之上,总和刑 期之下确定具体执行的刑期。

    According to the theory of impartiality and utility, the article mainly discusses advantages and disadvantages of the principles of addition, absorption and limitative aggravation of concurrent punishment for several crimes, and claims the principles of absorption and limitative aggravation have more disadvantages than advantages.

    本文主要对数罪并罚的并科、吸收、限制加重等原则从公正、功利等方面予以评析 ,认为吸收、限制加重原则弊大于利 ;而并科原则虽然利弊皆存 ,但因其具有刑罚公正、符合平等性以及范围较为广泛等特性 ,应当扩展其适用范围 ,对数罪被判处管制、拘役和有期徒刑等刑种 ,均可适用并科原则确定所执行的刑

    The concurrent punishment for several crimes, is the present age various countries criminal activity legal regime important content, it took one of penalty suitable basic systems, in short, is violates the number crime merge punishment to one person the system.


    With regard to the action of robbing the victim s possessions in the course of kidnapping crime, Because criminal commits two kinds of completely different criminal requisites facts based on different criminal intents, who should adopt combined punishment for kidnapping crime and robbing crime.


    How to punish the person who committed several crimes give birth to the system of combined punishment for several crimes.


    At present the major problems in practice of combined punishment for several crimess ystem are mainly followed the 5 aspects:1.


    By analyzing the status of implicated offense and joinder of punishments for plural crimes in foreign criminal laws,and by discussing the contradiction on principle of combination of "choosing felony and giving severe punishment" and "joinder of punishments for plural crimes",the writer suggests that,based on actual distinguishing.


    The bases of joinder of punishments for plural crimes include the requests of punishment s purpose, criminal law, existence of abolished interests and maximum of executing punishment.


    Joinder of punishments for plural crimes is a very important issue both in theory of science of criminal law and in judicial practice, while whether plural crimes of a kind should be given concurrent punishments is even more one of the controversial focuses in the field of science of criminal law.

    数罪并罚问题无论是在刑法学理论上还是在司法实务中都是一个非常重要的问题 ,而同种数罪该不该实行并罚更是刑法学领域争论的焦点之一。

    A Study on the Premise of Cumulative Punishment- how to Determine the Scope of Plural Crimes


    Whoever commits the crime in the preceding paragraph and also commits murder, explosion, or kidnapping is to be punished according to the regulations for punishing multiple crimes.


    On the bases of Joinder of Punishments for Plural Crimes;


    Whoever commits other crimes in addition to those in the preceding two paragraph is to the punished according to regulations for punishing multiple crimes.


    Judicial Application of Concurrent Punishment for Several Crimes and the Consummation of the System;


    Plural Crimes Imagined or in Nature:Imaginary Concurrence of Crimes Is Punishable by Joinder of Punishments;


    The Establishment of Theory of Concurrent Punishment for Several Crimes in Accordance with the Limitative Aggravation Principle;


    acts falling under preceding Paragraphs (4) and (5) which constitute other crimes shall be punished for all offenses committed.


    or the crimes of killing and harming investigating personnel shall be punished in accordance with the stipulations concerning combined punishment for more than one crime


    At their second trial they confessed to all their old crimes over again, with a whole string of new ones.


    On the Calculation and Application of the Period of Depriving Political Rights in Combining Punishments;


    Single Punishment for One Crime or Joinder Punishments for Plural Crimes--On the Sentencing Principle of Implicated Offense;


    Thinking About Its Connotation For Criminal Penalty Of Completion Of Enforcement


    But, In the condition of coincidence of law, one of the accusal can make comprehensive criminal estimate for legal interests, Continuous offence absorbed offence and continuous offence should adopt the principle of punishments for plural crimes.


    Practical Difficulty and Perfect Countermeasure of Combined Punishment for Several Crimes--A Report from Jinhua District,Zhejiang Province


    The man was tried and found guilty.


    In imposing a fine, the amount of the fine shall be determined according to the circumstances of the crime.


    Clause 10:To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
