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suitable for men and women of all ages in all seasons是什么意思



1)suitable for men and women of all ages in all seasons,适合男女老幼四季穿着2)Men and women, old and young, all pitched in.,男女老幼齐动手。3)a girl in male attire,穿着男装的女孩4)women's wearing men's suit,女着男装5)Old male and female,老年男女6)mixture of male and female,男女合班


    The phenomenon of women's wearing men's suit in Tang dynasty is a flashing point in China' s attire history.

    唐代出现的女着男装现象,是中国服饰史上的闪光点,本文试从唐代的社会开放、灿烂文明等方向来 剖析这一现象,指出这一现象的出现是历史的抉择,是时代的必然。

    E majors , it is necessary to strengthen class motive atmosphere and promote their imternal motives in the teaching mode of a mixture of male and female , which helps to bring about their substantial performance, meets their physical and mental satisfaction , further impels them love wushu sports and lays them a solid foundation of lifelong sport.

    在体育师资培养中为提高武术技能形成, 从男女合班教学组织形式上,加强课堂动机气氛,促进学生内部动机,让学生在运动中表现自己的才能,感受对身体益 处和心理上的满足,使学生热爱武术运动,为终身体育的能力打下良好基础。

    suitaBle for wear By men and women of all ages in the four seasons.


    100% cotton clothes are suitaBle for wear By men and women of all ages at all seasons.


    Our clothing manufacturer produces various styles of clothes suitaBle for wear By men and women of all ages at all seasons.


    Socks are commonly worn by people, by men and women, old and young.


    A summerweight jacket.


    All the inhabitants, men and women, old and young, received equal shares.


    Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or sex.

    欢迎大家, 无论男女老幼一律欢迎.

    Men and women, young and old, to give us their time.

    不管男女老幼 ,请他们贡献时间。

    irrespective of sex [age]

    性别 [年龄] 不拘,不论男女 [老幼] 均可

    All the villagers, men and women, old and young, took part in the battle against the drought.

    全村不论男女老幼, 都参加了抗旱斗争。

    Customers are treated without distinction of sex and age.

    顾客不分男女老幼, 一视同仁地对待。

    Cross-dressing men or women often appear on the stage.


    These shoes don't fit (me).


    pop-stars dressing up in androgynous styles


    The men wore women's clothes.


    Badminton is a sport tha t can be played by men and women of all skill levels and all ages.


    The boxing sandbag or slam man is applied to all the adults and the kids.


    What's more, it is suitable for wearing in all seasons by old and young.
