In this paper the author discusses the rights proteion of minority shareholders, the institution of outside direors, the significance and funion of outside direors in proteing minority shareholders, and the limitation of institution of outside direors in our country.
The Amalgamation of corporations brings the involved corporations tremendous benefits bat in the mean time, it causes losses to the shareholders, especially the relatively weak minority shareholders.
But because there are specific interest relationship in the affiliated enterprise, the question about protection of the subordinate company s creditor and minority shareholders interests become a difficult problem in judicature practice .
There are few clauses about the legal protection to the minority shareholders in our law of corporation.
我国《公司法》对少数股东保护的条款少 ,规定得过于原则 ,不利于操作。
This article discusses foundation of law theory and explains practical significance about protection of the minority shareholder s rights in the limited liability company on the basis of revealing wholely the essential characteristic of the limited liability company and its particular shareholders relationships.
Agent cost of share decentralization comes from managers and all shareholders; however, in companies with comparative centralization or high centralization of shareholders, it is a serious phenomenon that controlling shareholders seriously harm the interests of minority stockholders.
While various measures taken for to complement group enterprise institutions are mainly focused on the interests of the related subjects, to regulate the relation among controlling enterprises, dependent enterprises, minority stockholders of the dep.
I am writing on behalf of the minority shareholder
The New Way in Minority Shareholder Protection: Changing the Shares Preferred;
System Analysis of Interests Conflict Between Controlling Shareholders and Minority Stock Holders;
Until recent years only a few people would normally attend the annual corporation meetings.
I am write on behalf of the minority share holder.
On Protection of the Rights of Minority Shareholders in the Amalgamation of Corporations;
A Study on the Protection of Minority Shareholders Rights and Interests in Takeovers of Listed Companies;
The Monitoring Mechanism of Minority Shareholder in Contemporary Company;
On the Legal Protection of Minority Shareholders Rights and Interests in the Merger and Acquisition of Corporations;
The Protection of Minority Shareholders and Creditors in the Subsidiaries of Associated Enterprises;
Protection of Minor Shareholders Rights in the Open Taking Over the Listing Company;
A Study on the Protection of Minority Shareholders' Rights and Interests in Takeover of Listed Company
Legal Research on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Minority Shareholders in the Acquisition of the Listed Companies;
On Legitimate Protection of Less-shared Stockholders;
stock is publicly traded but most is held by a few shareholders who have no plans to sell.
The majority stockholders froze out the minority and took over the business
Compared with a joint-stock company, a limited company has fewer shareholders whose relations are more depended on the faith between one another.
A limited liability company with a relatively small number of shareholders and of a small scale may have one or two supervisors.
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