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trademark gazette是什么意思



1)trademark gazette,商标公告2)patent and trademark notices,专利和商标公告3)business notices,商事公告4)advertisement trade-mark,广告商标5)advertisements for trade marks,商标广告6)announcement for open tender,招标公告


    There exist procedural deficiencies in business notices subject,form,effect,responsibility and relief in China.


    Improve Xinjang s writing intension of advertisement trade-mark to speed economy and society developing;

    提高广告商标的写作品位 加速新疆经济和社会发展

    And at that time patriotism played an important role in advertisements for trade marks.


    , acceptance of the bid with the lowest price, can be reached through announcement for open tender and establishing the performance guarantee systems.

    对现行公路工程招投标标底的弊端进行了分析 ,指出通过广泛的招标公告和建立完善的履约保证制度可以实现公路工程评标改革的最终目标——最低价中

    " Besides, the Trademark Office edits and issues the "trademark Gazette"which announces trademark registrations and other related matters.-"


    The assignment of a registered trademark shall be published after it has been approved.


    It examines the application, issues preliminary approval and publishes the trademark.


    "Where the application for registration of a trademark is refused and no publication of the trademark is made, the Trademark Office shall notify the applicant of the same in writing."


    Class35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.


    The assignment of a registered trademark shall be published after it has been approved, and the assignee enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark from the date of publication.


    A delivered price list, announcement of auction, call for tender, prospectus, or commercial advertisement, etc. is an invitation to offer.


    Advertisement of manual of announcement of announcement of sent price-list, sale, invite public bidding, raise capital by floating shares, trade belong to should invite about.


    and which mistake is reflected in its register of marks and/or any publication by the Office be made


    "Where a trademark the registration of which has been applied for is in conformity with the relevant provisions of this Law, the Trademark Office shall, after examination, preliminarily approve the trademark and publish it. "


    Article 21. Where the application for registration of a trademark is refused and no publication of the trademark is made, the Trademark Office shall notify the applicant of the same in writing.

    第二十一条 对驳回申请、不予公告的商标,商标局应当书面通知申请人。

    Article 16. Where a trademark the registration of which has been applied for is in conformity with the relevant provisions of this Law, the Trademark Office shall, after examination, preliminarily approve the trademark and publish it.

    第十六条 申请注册的商标,凡符合本法有关规定的,由商标局初步审定,予以公告。

    "Where applications are filed on the same day, the preliminary approval, after examination, and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was the earliest used, and the applications of the others shall be refused and their trademarks shall not be published."


    After examination and approval by the Trademark Office, a corresponding certificate shall be issued to the assignee, and the assignment shall be published.


    "Any person may, within three months from the date of the publication, file an opposition against the trademark that has, after examination, Been preliminarily approved."


    Every kind of design including office 、car、dormitory, the dinning room、kitchen provides with the design、trade mark、advertisement.


    Newspaper and periodical advertising is the publisher's principal means of reaching the public and standards here have also risen considerably since world war II .


    The Freedom Explaining on the Translation of Brand Name and Slogan;
