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three emphases education (to stress theoretical study,political awareness and good conduct)是什么意思



1)three emphases education (to stress theoretical study,political awareness and good conduct),三讲教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)2)"three emphases" education (to stress theoretical study,political awareness and good conduct),三讲教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)3)"Three Emphasizes","三讲"4)three stresses,三讲5)SangJiang,“三讲”6)"the Three Represents " theory,“三讲”精神7)Three Emphases Education,三讲教育8)"ThreeEmphases" Education,“三讲”教育9)three advocacies"study,“三讲”教育精神


    "Three Emphasizes" is an important approach to put the great theory into full practice.


    The Three Steps that Jiang Jemin Has Taken in His Strict Rule over the Party --"Three strictnesses and four selves", "three stresses" and "three represents;


    On the Internal Relations Between “SangJiang” and Emancipating the Mind and Seeking Truth from Facts;


    Implementing the Spirit of "the Three Represents " theory Propelling the Anti-corruption Struggle Forward;

    贯彻“三讲”精神 推进反腐败斗争

    The “Three Emphases Education"is a nwely theoretical development of our party s history,only if the ideological Struggle inside the Party could avoid from the influence of the “left ideas", it Should completely be an effective way for the self-development,self-discipline and self-correcting of the Communist Party.

    三讲教育是新时期党建理论的新发展 ,党内思想斗争只要避免过去“左”的影响 ,完全应该成为中国共产党自身发展、自我约束、自我纠错的有效途

    Strengthening and Improving the Party s Political Work and Furthering the “ThreeEmphases” Education Under the Guide of “ThreeRepresentatives”;
