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National Hygienic City是什么意思



1)National Hygienic City,全国卫生城市2)national,全国3)China,全国4)nationwide,全国5)Chinese conference,全国会议6)students of nation,全国学生7)Nation-wide interconnection,全国联网8)nationwide interconnection,全国联网9)national brand,全国品牌10)national comparison,全国比对


    A national grading system of mountain floods is proposed in light of current conditions in China and based o.


    With the development of national psychological health education,the current situation in Shanxi will be improved.


    Summary of Regional Test for New Kenaf Varieties in China 2004/2006;


    Analysis of the threshold area of national and regional per capita arable land in China;


    Shanghai had become the foreign trade center of China soon after it opened as the treaty port.


    Through the first nationwide agricultural general census data, Guangxi s agricultural and rural ecnomy present situation and position in China are explained and analysed.

    通过首次全国农业普查资料,对广西农业及农村经济的现状及在全国的地位做了说明与分析, 并提出了充分发挥政府功能, 积极发展多种经营, 发挥资源优势, 提高农村从业人员素质, 加快小城镇建设,完善农村市场, 加快农业开放步伐等建议与对策。

    This paper presents a detailed account of two nationwide computer exams with the purpose of letting people familiar with the nature.

    详细介绍了全国性的两大类计算机考试 ,旨在让人们了解各考试的性质、过程、形式及结果。

    It is hoped that the experiences of foreign countries and these analyses will be useful in the development of the nation-wide interconnection in China.


    Special stress is laid on expounding:"nationwide interconnection,sending power from west to east,mutual supply between south and north"is an impor-tant ac.


    In a market where a part of consumers are sensitive to product quality, the quality store brand can be an instrument for retailers to generate store differentiation, store loyalty and store profitability, even when the store brand does not have an absolute advantage over the national brand, if customers buy the store brand are in an acceptable portion.

    认为在一种部分消费者对产品质量关注的市场中 ,即使私人品牌与全国品牌相比并没有绝对优势 ,零售商提供高质量的私人品牌也是构造差异化、提高顾客忠诚度、增加收益的一种很好手段 ,而且实施私人品牌策略也能使相互竞争的零售商达到“共赢”的目的 。