The function of the right of Immunity of relatives witness can not be disregarded for construction of rule of law.
We should learn from our country s traditional system of mutual concealment of offenses among the kin and western special system of rejecting relatives testifying for their relatives to establish the rejecting-relatives-testify-right system in our country s revised crimin.
The Plight of Kinship Privilege in Law:A Modern Transition of Qinqinxiangyin
--- Prisoners have the right to exchange letters with their relatives and friends and to regularly meet with family members.
Prisoners have the right to exchange letters with their relatives and friends and to regularly meet with family members.
"Do not Place Righteousness above Family Loyalty"──On the Right of Rejective Testify with Family Members of the Criminal Suspects;
disposition in favor of relatives
From the Traditional Permission of Concealment to the Special Immunity of the Relatives as Witness;
Establishing the System of the Right of Rejecting Relatives Testifying in Criminal Litigation;
A relative on the father's or male side only.
If there be no contract, the dominion is in the mother.
Discussion on Ruling the Matrimonial Tort in Chinese Civil Law Code;
Default and Construction of the Right of Rejective Testify of Family Members System in Criminal Action
If a citizen who has the right to bring a suit is deceased, his near relatives may bring the suit
Where the aggrieved citizen is deceased, his successor or other relatives with maintenance relation shall have the right to claim compensation.
The Possibility of Establishing the System of Refusing to Testify Against Family Members;
On the Ethical Spirit of Law from Antigone s Hatred and the Lack of Chinese Kindred Right of Refusing to Be Witnesses at Court;
Discussion of Reconstructing China s Folk Repelling Certificate Right Problem from the Angle of the Traditional Ethics Morality;
Critical Interpretation of Laws Prohibiting Personal Feelings--From the Angle of the Toleration and Concealment System and Domestic Relations Right of Refusing to Be Witnesses at Court;
Can t I Refuse to Prove the Guilty of My Relatives? On Rights of Toleration and Concealment and Establishment of This System in China;
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