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keep government functionaries honest and industrious是什么意思



1)keep government functionaries honest and industrious,勤政廉政建设2)building an honest and clean government,廉政建设3)construction of an honest and clean government,廉政建设4)construction of a clean and honest administration,廉政建设5)construction of clean and honest administration,廉政建设6)clean government building,廉政建设


    By analyzing the current state and defects of our administration supervision system which plays a critical role in counter-corruption, this article puts forward that it is an important guarantee to improve the present supervision system in combating corruption and building an honest and clean government.


    Mao Zedong thought of building an honest and clean government is the combination of Marxism and the practice of Chinese Communist Party, and it is also the result of critically assimilating thought of traditionally building an honest and clean government.

    毛泽东廉政建设思想既是马克思主义廉政建设理论与中国共产党廉政建设具体实践相结合的产物 ,也是对中华民族传统廉政思想批判继承的结果。

    A correct summary and analysis of his thought and advocacy still has its referential significance for the construction of an honest and clean government today.


    During the period of the Land Revolution War, Mao Zhe - dong exercised the construction of an honest and clean government in the Central Red District, and the Soviet Government stressed on the benefits of people.


    Since the conduct of the Party is such a life -and-death matter,both Mao Ze-dong and Deng Xiao-ping, as the head of the Party s central leading collecline, attached great importance to the construction of a clean and honest administration.

    党风是关系到党的生死存亡的重大问题 ,毛泽东、邓小平作为我们党的两代中央领导集体核心的领袖人物 ,都十分重视党风廉政建设 ,在不同历史时期 ,对这一关系党和国家前途命运的问题从理论上和实践中进行了不懈的探索 ,为我党反腐倡廉工作积累了宝贵的经

    To restrain corruption and realize the construction of a clean and honest administration, a scientific, concrete and feasible mechanism of power restraint should be set up and strengthened.

    抑制腐败 ,实现廉政建设 ,必须建立和强化科学、具体、操作性强的权力制约机制。

    Based on the relative historical literature,this paper discusses Zhuge Liang s image as a model of clean and honest administration and as the first prime minister who voluntarily made known his assets in the history of our country,and also explores matters concerning the construction of clean and honest administration of the Shu-Han ruling clique.


    Cultural construction of clean and honest administration has rich connotations,and is an important part of socialist advanced culture,In the new era,strengthening the construction in colleges contains special historic and realistic significance.


    The Economic Thought and System Safeguard on Clean Government Building;


    Regulating judicial discretion on administrative penalty under clean government building


    This text has analysed emphatically function,principle,operation procedure of it,and proposed to set up education-guiding mechanism and information-gathering and appraising mechanism of clean government building of the party conduct;to set u.


    Incorruptness education in the building of the probity party and honest government in higher education institutes


    Constructing the Culture on Honest and Clean to Push on the Building of Honest and Clean among the Party Members;

    努力构建廉政文化 积极推进党风廉政建设

    On the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government and the Harmonious Campus of the Institutions of Higher Learning


    Basic Role of Fostering a Culture of Integrity in Improving the Ruling Party's Style of Work and Upholding Integrity


    The Anti-corruption Experience and the Enlightenment from Incorrupt Nations in CPI;


    On Mao Zedong s Thought on the Building of the Administrative Party s Honesty;


    Talking of the System of Job Responsibility of Fighting against Corrupt in Clean Government Construction;


    The Theory and Practice of the Ruling Party s Construction of Clean and Honest Administration Put by Mao Zedong;


    China's Local Government Performance Assessment Study


    Enlightenment on the Incorruptness Construction from Political Idea of Ancient People of Virtue


    THE PRINCIPAL MEASURES TO BUILD AN HONEST AND CLEAN GOVERNMENT BY TNE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA--The Movement of Keeping Honest and Clean in the Jiangsu Area of the Central China;


    Comments on Deng Xiao-ping s Idea of Building an Honest and Clean Government;


    Strengthen the Ethos administration Establish the Harmonious Campus;

    加强党风廉政建设 精心构建和谐校园

    Fresh progress was made in the effort to build clean and honest government and in the struggle against corruption.


    There is the need to carry the fight against corruption further and build a clean and honest government.


    Successive results were achieved in building a clean and honest government and in the struggle against corruption.


    On Grasping Dialectically the Characteristics of Anti-Corruption Culture and Strengthening feasibly the Construction of Anti-Corruption Culture;

    辩证把握廉政文化特征 切实加强廉政文化建设

    --Keeping the government strictly in line, and building an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government.
