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peasants income per capita是什么意思



1)peasants income per capita,农村人均收入2)per capita annual net income in rural areas,农村人均年收入3)net income of each rural resident,农村居民人均纯收入4)peasant income per person in a year,农民年人均收入5)net income per capita,农民人均纯收入6)Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents,农民人均纯收入


    The paper suggests that we should rai se the peasants income per capita in the centre-west regions.

    通过计算中国地区差异的Theil指标,包括国内生产总值、工业产值、农业总产值、固定资 产投资、第三产业产值等指标的地区差异,分析地区差距的变化趋势,剖析各种因素对地区 收入差距的影响,提出应大力提高中西部地区农村人均收入水平。

    Taking 108 counties and cities in Henan Province as the research units and net income per capita as an indicator of farmer s income,the rural socio-economic development of the whole province was divided into three regions.


    With the aim of probing the laws of spatio-temporal evolution for per capita net income of rural residents in Henan Province,and based on all the county-level statistical data from 1999 to 2007,spatial autocorrelation analysis method and GIS technology which can well reflect the regional economy disparities are used in this paper.


    The per capita net income of rural households was 2,160 yuan, a real growth of 4.3 percent.


    The per capita net income of rural households was 2,476 yuan, a real increase of 4.8 percent.


    The per-capita disposable income of urban residents and the per-capita net income of rural people should rise by about 4 percent in real terms.


    The average per capita disposable income reached 5160 yuan for city dwellers. The average per capita net income of rural residents rose to 2090yuan.


    the net income per rural resident reached 2,253 yuan, or a growth of 2.1 percent over that of the previous year, in real terms.


    Influence Factor Analysis of Per Capital Annual Net Income of Hebei Rural Households;


    The per-capita net income of rural residents and the per-capita disposable income of urban residents registered an annual increase of 4.7 percent and 5.8 percent in real terms.


    The per-capita net income of rural residents jumped from 602 yuan to 2,366 yuan, registering an average annual growth of 4.3 percent.


    In 1949, the average annual income per urban resident was less than 100 RMB yuan, and that per rural resident, less than 50 RMB yuan.


    The per-capita disposable income of city dwellers rose by 3.4 percent, and the per-capita net income of rural residents by 4.6 percent.

    城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入分别实际增长3.4%和 4.6%。

    The average per capita net income of rural residents came to 1,926 yuan, a rise of nine percent over 1995 in real terms -- the biggest increase of the past few years.


    Between 1990-2001 the per-capita net income of rural households increased by 62 percent in real terms.


    Cluster Analysis on Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households in China


    the per-capita net incomes for rural families went up 9-fold, at an annual increase of 14.8 percent.


    The per capita net income of rural households increased from 2,090 Yuan to 2,476 Yuan, up by an annual average of 3.8% in real terms.


    China's first manned spaceflight was a complete success.


    the annual growth of urban residents' disposable income per capita should reach around 7% and farmers' net income per capita should increase by 150 yuan each year;


    Per Capita Cash Income of Rural Households by Region
