EMU A Challenge and Restrict to US Dollars;
However, it is still unknown that who will gain supremacy in the war between Euro and Dollar.
The dollar is a kind of tools to keep American hegemony in economic area, at the same time , American hegemony gives powerful supporting for dollars’ outspreading.
Lessons to China from the Transmitting Mechanism between US Dollars Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Rate;
Along with US dollar purchasing power falling,the American is dropping in fact by the fixed price computation real income,they can not but use more US dollars to purchase the same thing,the relative backwardness income grows is unable to make up the pri.
The Internationalization of US Dollar and Its Implication for China;
A trend and analysis of exchange rate of Eurodollar to US dollar since euro birth;
Exchange Rate of US Dollar and Core American National Interest;
In the first quarter of 2004,major currencies in the global FX market maintained the momentum of 2003:a weak USD,a strong yet unstable EUR,and a rising JPY created violent fluctuations,while international gold prices continued with the upward momentum that began in 1999.
For depreciation of USD brought great increase on amount ofChinese export, RMB de facto dollar peg system face unprecedented pressure.
以 1997 年 7 月东亚金融危机爆发,人民币承诺对美元汇价不贬值为契机,人民币汇率制度从管理浮动制演变为事实上的钉住美元浮动的汇率体制。
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