Evaluation of the Quality of Life of the Army Soldiers in Xinjiang Area;
The paper links author~′s experience,analyzing the training mode,course system,teaching fashion and teaching means about the equipment intermediate commander~′s education of Russian army.
In the world-wide 21st century orientated military development, the US army takes the lead in digilized construction so as to rebuild its military power system.
After their invasion of Hainan, the Japanese invaders instituted in Hainan a series of military organizations,which underwent some variations such as the gradual withdrawal of the Japanese ground force and the unitary control by the Japanese navy with the navy garrison in Hainan as the supreme military headquarters in Hainan.
日军侵入海南岛之后 ,派驻了一系列的军事机构 ,其间也经历了一个变化的过程 ,日本陆军的逐步撤出 ,从而形成了由日本海军单独控制海南岛的局面 ,海南警备府成为海南岛日军的最高军事指挥机构 ,这种局面一直持续到日本投降为
Relationship between meta-mood and mental health of military recruits and influential factors of meta-mood;
Effects of marine training on infantry soldiers neurobehavior and physiological function;
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