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monopolistic capitalism是什么意思



1)monopolistic capitalism,垄断资本主义2)a company of state monopoly capitalism,垄断资本主义企业3)international monopoly capitalism,国际垄断资本主义4)egional monopoly capitalism,区域垄断资本主义5)the National Monopolistic Capitalism,国家垄断资本主义6)common monopoly capitalism,一般垄断资本主义


    Three stages are identified in the hundreds years of development of monopolistic capitalism.


    It s a company of state monopoly capitalism with the profit,which can be found from the aspects of Manchurian Railway s found,the structure of the Funds,the appearing of the official,and the relationship between the government and the Manchurian Railway.


    Discussion on the breakage of international monopoly capitalism about world peace;


    Economic globalization helps capitalism develop beyond the nations and grow from national monopoly capitalism to international monopoly capitalism.


    According to the movement of contradictions of capitalism,we can point out that it is in the stage of the regional monopoly capitalism with five characteristics.


    Afte the First world war,the National Monopolistic Capitalism in America didn t fully develop because the administration of the republican party resumed Laissez-faire,the prosperous private monopolistic Capitalism intensified the fundermental contradiction of the capitalism,thus planting the seeds of the Great Depression in 1930 S.

    一战后美国国家垄断资本主义由于共和党政府推行的自由放任政策未能得到充分发展 ,私人垄断资本主义的兴盛激化了资本主义基本矛盾 ,从而埋下了大危机的种子。