Due to the personal character of labor service and the uncertainty of value,labor service subscription is not allowed in traditional corporation law and in the newly-amended corporation registration management rules.
An Investigation and Analysis on the Export of Anyang Architectural Labor services;
During the contract performance,the most contractors implement the construction by labor service subcontract or/and technical subcontract.
Export Strategy of Labor Services in Chinese Small Towns;
A brief talk on the current situation and development of labor in the construction industry;
On the labor and human capital contribution;
Countering the imminent standardization for building service subcontracting markets,this text analyzes the presently existing problems for the system of recruitment,adverse factors influencing serviced subcontracting enterprise s development and superiority of the service tendering & bidding system in building markets.
The so-called "labor services export", which is also called "labor services output", refers to offer a nation or region s labor force to other ones, aiming to gain foreign currency.
Some years later, project management still has some phenomenal incli nation, these are waiting to be corrected and completed, therefore, project mana gement could become all-employee and all-procedure , costing payments could be analyzed in quantity and labour service subcontract system could be completed.
几年过去了 ,项目管理仍然存在着一些流于形式的想法与做法有待更正或完善 ,使项目管理真正成为全员、全过程的管理 ,量化分析成本支出 ,健全劳务分承包体系。
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