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Staff and Workers in Difficulties是什么意思



1)Staff and Workers in Difficulties,困难职工2)the workers and staff member in financial difficulties,生活困难职工3)those in dire need group,困难职工群体4)difficulty in job-hunting,求职困难5)Machine work difficulty,加工困难6)Staff and Workers Groups in Special Difficulties,特困职工


    The Investigation and Countermeasures on the Condition of the Medical Treatment Security of the Staff and Workers in Difficulties in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province;


    The trade unions should pay attention to protecting those in dire need group s legitimate rights and interests at present in order to give full play to the role of their protecting social and political stability.

    在我国结构调整和深化改革的进程中 ,一些深层次矛盾不断暴露 ,客观上要求工会把维护困难职工群体合法利益作为当前的重点工作来抓 ,发挥工会在维护社会政治稳定中的作用。

    The Appearance of Poverty-stricken Worker Groups in Cities and Approaches to Poverty-Relieving;


    Practise the "Three Represents" and Help and Support the Workers and Staff Membersin Financial Difficulties;

    实践“三个代表” 关爱生活困难职工

    The cause of formation, present situation and the developmental t endency of the destitute staff and works groups;


    The Present Legislative Condition for the Security of the Financially-Needed Group of Staff and Workers and the Difficulties in Implementing;


    On NGO Development in China and Its Influence on Trade Union Work of Helping Poor Workers;


    It is the unshakable responsibility for the Trade Union to preserve the legal rights and interests of the staff and workers groups in difficulties according to law.;


    Earnestly Explore a New Path of Protecting the Workers Who are in Difficult Situation and Their Group Interests;


    C.To ensure the subsistence security for poverty-stricken families of those working for enterprises directly under the Central Government


    The Investigation and Countermeasures on the Condition of the Medical Treatment Security of the Staff and Workers in Difficulties in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province;


    The countermeasure reflection on how to maintain the legal rights and interests of the staff and works groups in difficulties at present;


    A Consideration of Safeguarding Legitimate Rights and Interests of Those Workers in Dire Need;


    Take the important thought of the Three Representatives as the guidance, strengthen the assistance and support work towards the workers in difficulties;

    以“三个代表”重要思想为指导 加强对困难职工的帮扶工作

    Because labour causes damage retired worker whether allowance of plan hair difficulty?


    Present financial difficulties will defer employment of new staff.

    目前财政有困难, 只好对新职工缓聘。

    Therefore, when a staff member runs into a difficulty, his work unit should care about and help him.


    Review to Simplify Officers and Workers and Compress the Town Residents at Difficult Period;


    For industries and enterprises in dire straits, we need to take effective measures to help their workers out of their plight.


    During this course, it is unavoidable that partial employees will be laid off or transferred to other posts, and this will bring them temporary difficulties.
