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management system是什么意思



1)management mechanism,经营机制2)operating mechanism,经营机制3)Operation mechanism,经营机制4)operational mechanism,经营机制5)management system,经营机制6)Micro economic mechanism,微观经营机制


    This has transformed the management mechanism of enterprise and improved effect.


    By illustrating theoretically idea of hospital operation management in accordance with new achievements, and analyzing the new situation hospitals met, the author believed it is important in establishing idea of hospital management to building a set of operation management mechanism including economic compensation, competition, distribution encourage, self-restriction and quality guarantee.

    分析了当前医院管理面临的新形势 ,认为树立医院管理经营理念要建立一套涵盖经济补偿、竞争、分配激励、自我约束与质量保证机制的管理经营机制 ,在医院管理经营实践中应采用成本管理、目标管理、绩效管理、分级核算及资本运营等先进的经济管理模式。

    Statesthe theory about transnational corpolation management mechanism and its the contraCtion.


    The discussed matters could be broken down into several aspects,such as periodical objectives,high-quality consciousness,editing team,operating mechanism under market economy,etc.

    通过回顾《广东农业科学》创刊 38年来的发展历程 ,从办刊宗旨、强化精品意识、加强编辑队伍建设、建立适应市场经济的经营机制等方面论述了提高《广东农业科学》质量的途径。

    The operating mechanism of private-owned science and technology enterprises have played an important role in the development of private-owned science & technology enterprises.


    By adopting the method combining qualitative and quantitative analysis, the thesis conducts in-depth and systematic research on the key elements of Jilin agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, such as the comparative advantages, competitiveness, radiation, production base and the operating mechanism.


    With the deepening of reform andtransforming of operation mechanism of transport enterprises, it becomes especially important to set up a reasonable distribution system of traffic revenue and a pattern of settling accounts.


    In combination of the 30-year journal managing practice with the way of improving the "Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology",the paper has discussed the theme of running periodicals from the following aspects: strengthening top-quality periodical consciousness,editorial team construction,establishment of operation mechanism adapted to market economy.


    The reform of the TVE mainly includes the reform of the property right system and the reform of the operation mechanism.


    According to system theory,based on the hypothesis of complex Man of organizational psychology and using the trdins of thought and inethods of economy mechanism desining theory tor reference,the auther studies operational mechanism designing ibr China s state-owned enterprises,especially analyses twenty-one designing principles in four aspects.


    In the light of new trend of economy development at home and abroad, the development actualities of middle and little mining enterprises in Gansu Province and main abuses in its management system are analyzed, and some viewpoints and countermeasures such as setting up management system meeting to new need of modern enterprise reformation and development are put forward.

    从国内外经济发展的新趋势出发 ,分析了甘肃中小矿山企业的发展现状以及在经营机制方面存在的主要弊端 ,提出了逐步建立符合现代企业改革与发展新要求的经营机制的一些看法和措施。

    Transform the enterprises' management mechanisms of State-owned enterprises


    Strengthening internal accounting control to perfect enterprise management;

    加强公司内部控制 完善企业经营机制

    Research on the Issues of Operating Mechanism of Private-owned Science & Technology Enterprises;


    Understand the Operating Mechanism of Public Enterprises Correctly and Comprehensively;


    In order to obtain higher efficiency the operational mechanism has to be rationalized.


    Research on the Transform of Integrative Management of Financial System in China;


    Problem Study to Reform the Business Mechanism of Agricultural Development Bank;


    An Analysis of Transnational Business Risks Control of Securities Operator of Our Country;


    The Research of National Risk Control when Chinese Securities Investment Organizations Invest in International Financial Markets;


    "Scope of Supply :Design, manufacture and supply of feeding machines."


    Study on the Payment Motivational Mechanism upon the Corporation Manager;


    Implement executive management yearly salary Strengthen motivation & restriction system;

    实行经营者年薪制 强化激励约束机制

    On Innovation Discussion of Agriculture Management System and Operating Mechanism;


    Urban management system reform and innovation exploration;


    A New Management Mechanism on China State-owned Enterprises:Management Money Mechanism;


    Trade Facilitation and the International Operations of SMEs;


    A Research on Risk Control of Auto Insurance Management;


    Research on the Managerial Inspiring Mechanism for the Subsidiary Companies of HTSY Group;
