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Tight control on investment in fixed assets是什么意思



1)Tight control on investment in fixed assets,紧缩固定资产投资控制2)curb investment in fixed assets,控制固定资产投资3)investment in fixed assets,固定资产投资4)Fixed assets investment,固定资产投资5)fixed asset investment,固定资产投资6)investment of fixed assets,固定资产投资


    An empirical analysis of the relationship between investment in fixed assets and economic growth in Anhui province;


    The investment in fixed assets for iron and steel industry in shandong during the ninth five year plan was analyzed It was pointed out that the iron and steel industry in shandong faced the important task of development The keystone of investment in fixed assets was to quicken the development of national debt projec

    对山东省钢铁工业“九五”期间固定资产投资进行了分析 ,指出山东省钢铁工业仍面临发展的重任 ,加快国债项目的进展是当前固定资产投资的重

    The total investment in fixed assets fulfilled amounts to 16.


    Features of Fixed Assets Investment of Xinjiang Peasants in 2006 and Its Countermeasures;


    The Effect Research on the Fixed Assets Investment in Xinjiang;


    This paper discusses the fixed assets investment and economic benefit of rebuilding engineering item.

    本文就改扩建工程项目的固定资产投资及经济效益进行了充分的论证,为企业领导层决策项 目提供依据。

    Because of different kinds of fixed asset investment (singular or progressing), and different terms of evaluation (generally ranges from 6 to 15 years), the recovery of the residue value of the fixed asset may influence the final result of the economic evaluation greatly, even change the conclusion on the feasibility of the proj.

    由于固定资产投资方式的不同 (如一次性投资和滚动投资 )以及评价期长短的不同 (一般 6至 1 5年 ) ,回收固定资产余值对经济评价结果影响很大 ,甚至于改变项目可行性的结论。

    When the temperate inflation appears in our country recent years,the save and lend interest rat is become the effective method to solve this question,this paper selects the interest rate datum from 1990 to 2004 years, to do the real diagnosis analysis of the relationship between the save and lend interest rate and the narrow sense currency or the fixed asset investment.


    Taking a certain company as the example, and through analyzing its statistic data, this paper discusses the positive effects of the increase of fixed asset investment on the production, management and long-term development of enterprise.


    Analysis of effects of transformation of value-added tax on investment of fixed assets of enterprises;


    The public and government paymuch attention to problem such as if the transformation increases investment of fixed assets of corporations,if it develops the economy of Northeast,and if it achieves its aims.


    This paper analyzes the relativity between investment of fixed assets and urbanization rate of Chongqing since it was become a municipality in 1997 by the analytical method of grey correlation.


    Tight control on investment in fixed assets


    controlling investment scale of fixed assets


    Regulators have also tightened bank credit by other means and imposed curbs on real estate investment in an effort to rein in excessive spending.


    The Existing Problems in Business Investment in Fixed Assets and Internal Control Measures;


    Research of probability and control in research for risk of investment in fixed assets;


    A Control Model for Railway Transport Enterprises Fixed Assets Investment Direction


    We must control the scale of investment in fixed assets and see that capital construction is not over-extended.


    Stability and Optimal Control Problems in Investment System of Fixed Assets;


    The investment in fixed assets kept growing.


    Department of Fixed Assets Investment Audit


    Investment by Various Sectors


    Investment in fixed assets kept fast growth.


    Preliminary Study on Macro-Control of Investment in Regional Fixed Assets in China;


    Study on Structural Analysis and Regulating Measures about Shaanxi Fixed Assets Investment


    The Discussion of Preparation and Assessment of Part of Energy Saving in Fixed Assets Investment Projects;


    Transition of system and the new round of accelerating increase in investment of fixed assets in China;


    The Strategy of Investment & Arrangement of Policy Decision of the Fixed Assets in Enterprise Group;


    Foreign capital accounts for more than 1/5 of fixed assets investments in Liaoning
