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borrowing cost是什么意思



1)borrowing cost,借款成本2)cost of foreign currency loans,外币借款成本3)long-term loan capital cost,长期借款资本成本4)borrowed capital,借入成本5)borrowing- cost,借债成本6)borrowing cost,借贷成本


    The exchange loss and profit is an important factor that affects the cost of foreign currency loans.


    We use the 2004 economic census data to empirically test this hypothesis and find that private firms\' borrowing costs are significantly higher than those of state-owned enterprises,even after controlling for firm size and a wide range of other firm characteristics.


    Borrowing cost


    Policies incentive: First the borrowing cost should be reduced.


    An analysis of the influence of changes of exchange rate on the cost to foreign currency loans;


    financial spread: Income from loans and investments minus cost of Borrowing.

    财务利差: 即贷款和投资的收入减去借款成本

    An Algorithm for Mean-variance Portfolio Selection Model Under the Convex Loan Cost


    average earning assets - AEA: Average interest return on earning assets less average rate of Borrowing costs.


    Prove: Capital Pre-ratepaying Cost of Long-term Loan Is Equal to Loan Compound Interest Rate per Annum;


    But the matching principle may require the borrower to recognize this cost gradually over the life of the bond issue.


    This transfer is accomplished by a journal entry crediting the account of withdrawals in an amount equal to its debit balance, with a journal entry debiting the owner's capital account at the same time.


    Once the debit side break the loan contract that the commercial will bring bad assets, lead to loss and erode the capital of bank.


    The provisions of paragraphs 4 through 8 below shall not be used by a Member to refuse to conduct negotiations or to conclude bilateral or multilateral agreements.

    成员不得借本 条第4款至第8款的规定拒绝谈判或拒绝缔结双边或多边协议。

    Within the borrowing time limit, the borrower may, according to the methods of repayment provided by the lender, repay the principal and interests of the loan by installment or by lump sum in full.


    The contract for the deposit may be terminated before maturity or90% of the principal may be pledged, and you may also apply for automatic roll over.

    (5) 本存款可办理中途解约,或于本金九成範围内办理质借,并可申请自动转期。

    The contract for the deposit may be terminated before maturity or90% of the principal may be pledged, and you may apply for automatic roll over.

    (6) 本存款可办理中途解约,或于本金九成範围内办理质借,并可申请自动转期。

    interest paid on credits withdrawn during year


    Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.


    When one borrows from a bank, one signs a promissory note.


    Applying Excel to Calculate the Captalization Amount of Loan Expenses;
