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possession in illwill是什么意思



1)possession in illwill,恶意占有2)malicious,恶意3)vicious,恶意4)bad faith,恶意5)evil intention,恶意6)malicious arrear,恶意欠费


    The purpose of the author s writing is how to deepen the theory and bring forth new ideas to the legal system for this special act of tort at an angle of liability for tort, so as to effectively punish and prevent this malicious act of tort, then to the largest degree to save the victims rights, at the same.


    The improved scheme not only reduces the computation and communication overhead from O(nl)to O(kn~2l)and O(l)to O(knl)respectively,but also inhibits the third party Ts vicious collusion with bidders.

    为此,通过减少拍卖者发送给竞标者的信息改进了Cach in的拍卖方案,不仅使计算和交互复杂度分别从O(nl)和O(kn2l)降低到O(l)和O(knl),还克服了原方案不能防止第三方T与竞标者恶意共谋的缺点。

    The essay confines the concepts of good faith and bad faith, and gives some analyses and explanations in economics,sociology and morality.

    界定了民法上的善意与恶意概念并给予了经济学、社会学和伦理学视角的分析与解释 ,同时对与善意与恶意概念相关的过错、无过错概念进行了比较分析 ,最后对善意与恶意的认定提出了标准。

    This article has analysed the meaning of cybersquatting and evil intentions,and its recognization.


    There were three parts of reasons of patient arrear as well as low income, malicious arrear and hospitalill manag ement.
