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movables insurance是什么意思



1)movables insurance,动产保险2)insurance on immovables,immovable insurance,不动产保险3)chattels,动产4)movable property,动产5)Personal Property,动产6)chattel,动产7)movables,动产8)chattle,动产9)effects,动产10)things movable,动产


    Based on the bastic theory for civil laws and judical practice in China,this paper makes an analysis of such problems concerning chattels mortgage as forces antagonistic to chattds mortgage establishment,targeted objects within its scope of validity and the precedence to be claimed when chattels mortgage coexists with other guaranty rights.

    本文从民商法的基本理论出发 ,结合我国的司法实践 ,分析了动产抵押权设定的前提条件 ,动产抵押权效力所及标的物的范围以及动产抵押权与其他担保物权并存时的优先效力等方面的法律问

    Our country s real right law creates a new form of security by using the security property legislation experience from developed country for reference—— the movable property floating mortgage system.


    In order to safeguard the legal rights of the creditor and make full use of its advantages,it is necessary to know well the movable property floating mortgage system in terms of its origin,agreement,registration,implement,and discipline,etc.


    According to the juristic theory of real right act,we should view the label behavior as the mode of the announcement of the change of movable property and replace the theory of registration face-off with the label theory.


    The Perfection of Personal Property Security;


    The system is based on the creditability of the personal property processors and the cost of original owners loss of interests.


    Ponderation on the System of Bona Fide Acquisition of Chattel;


    The Exoteric Effectiveness of Delivery in Chattel s Trade;


    According to the viewpoint of traditional theory on civil law,the logic premise of bona fide acquisition on chattel is "occupation represents ownership".


    The rules relating to mortgages over movables under the current version of the Property Right Law(Draft) are not reasonable because the scope of movables which may be mortgaged are too narrow.


    This dissertation studies in the subject-matters of real rights in movables by comparing Common law legal family with Civil law family, and points out that the two systems have becoming merged together although the laws made about the type and scope of the subject-matters of real rights in movables are so different in them.
