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The basic line must be followed unswervingly for a very long time to come.是什么意思



1)The basic line must be followed unswervingly for a very long time to come.,基本路线要管一百年2)the basic line,基本路线3)basic route,基本路线4)Basic line,基本路线5)basic circuit,基本线路6)Japan in a recent century,日本百年


    Three Represents"Theory Is Carried out While the Basic Line Must Be Followed Unswervingly;


    It is the fundament of supporting the theory about Chinese characteristics affairs,is the scientific evidence of the party s basic route,and is the theoretic weapon for realizing the new tasks mentioned in the seventh conference.


    From the angle of theory and Practice,history and reality,the primary basic route is the crystallization of the probe to socialist modernization theory and road by communists.

    从理论与实际、历史与现实相结合的角度考察 ,党在初级阶段的基本路线是中国共产党人对社会主义现代化理论与道路探索的结晶 ;是中国发生第三次历史巨变的根本所在 ;是实现中国现代化百年梦想的根本之路。

    A Correct Understanding of the Historical Process of Modern Capitalism ——Important Bases for the CPC in Establishing Its Basic Line in the New Era;


    The party s basic theory,basic line,basic programme and basic experience form a complete scientific system.


    Deng Xiaoping s theory of "emancipating the mind" was a declaration that opened a new era and a new road, with epoch making significance: a new central leading collective was established; a basic line of the Party was formed; a new theory of building the socialism with Chinese characteristics was founded and a new road of building socialism was opened.

    邓小平“解放思想”理论是开辟新时期新道路的宣言书 ,具有划时代的重大意义 :建立了一个新的中央领导集体 ;确立了一条新的党的基本路线 ;创立了一个建设有中国特色社会主义的新理论 ;开辟了一条建设社会主义的新道

    The basic line must be followed unswervingly for a very long time to come.


    The basic line must be followed unswervingly for100 years.


    "We should adhere to the Basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation."


    This is of vital importance to ensure that the Party's basic line is followed for a hundred years and to maintain long-term peace and stability.


    How to Adhere to the Party s Basic Line Unshakable for One Hundred Years;


    Adhering to the Party's Basic Line at the primary stage for one hundred years without any vacillation.


    Arming the Students with Deng Xiaoping s Theory to Ensurethe Party s Basic Line Without Change for a Hundred Years;

    用邓小平理论武装学生头脑 坚持党的基本路线一百年不动摇

    Capital construction projects, which are to last for generations, call for good quality above everything else.


    And does it not affect our basic line--the alliance of workers and peasants?


    There should be no changes in them except for a few changes of wording, if necessary.


    The Materialistic Foundation of Basic Route of "One Center, Two Basic Points


    all the year round, our cloth shop sells various kinds of material with a complete range of colours.


    About a decade ago, the U. S. Government took over most of the railroad passenger routes from private companies which were losing money on passenger service.


    If it cannot be accomplished in 100 years, it will be in 1,000 years.


    Specification for direct through connection equipment of carrier systems


    Basic Requirements in Carrying out the Ideological Line of CPC


    It is possible that pertussis will become primarily a disease of older children and adults.


    Our policy on Hong Kong will not change for 50 years after it is reunited with the motherland in 1997. That policy, along with the basic law you are now drafting, will remain in force for at least 50 years.
