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just title,legal title是什么意思



1)just title,legal title,合法所有权2)legal,合法3)legality,合法4)legitimacy,合法5)lawful,合法6)legitimate,合法


    The Research Of Farmer Benefits Run Off legally;


    The paper sets out analyzing the main attribution of administration and the legal property of the regulations in the college or the university,expounds the necessity of normalizing the regulations and designing relavant systems.


    However,whether the preliminary investigation is legal or not has still no answer in judicial practice.


    To realize the justice of judicature, protect people and crack down crimes, the police must give much heed to the objectiveness and legality when obtaining evidence.


    Reasonable exercise of liberal judgment authority requires the public security executors to identify the relationship between"legality"and"reasonableness"during work and to take legal principles as prerequisite.


    Warmth Showed in Blood , Legitimacy Seeked in Self-control——Analysis of the Movie Godfather Trilogy “Gangsters Philosophy”;

    血腥中现温情 自制中求合法——电影《教父》三部曲中的“黑帮哲学”

    Legitimacy Thinking on the Existence of Schools for Children of Peasant Migrants;


    This paper tries to find out the main reasons of distorted information in legal accounting,which may provide some reference for the research of policy on present accounting and have stronger reference value in preventing,managing the accounting information of legitimacy distortedly.


    The following issues should be considered by police officers in investigating and obtaining evidence: to make clear the standard or requirement the collected evidence is expected to meet;the process of the investigation and evidence-obtaining should be lawful;the legal rights of the people concerned in the case should be respected and the collected evidence should be authentic.


    However,looking from our laws and the spirits of law of nations, the male s procreation right has reasonable basis and lawful reasons.

    但从我国法律及国际法精神看 ,男性生育权存在具有合理性和合法性 ,其生育行为能力受生理、伦理等因素的限制。

    What we must do is the rules and regulations are legitimate,the management behavior is legitimate.
