The essay analyzes the phenomenon of bal-ance of payments` errors and omissions in recent five years, considers that the causes of the errors and omissions of balance of payments is not only because of statistics errors but also of the weaknesses of super-vision, and then puts forward the suggestions of how to perfect the policy, further reinforce supervision and raise flexibility of RMB rate.
Then we establish our own methodology,which estimates the scale of capital flight by analyzing corresponding items in the balance of payments and comparing bilateral trade statistics based on different ways of capital flight.
本文首先对现有测算中国资本外逃规模的方法进行了综述 ,并在定义中国资本外逃概念的基础上 ,针对资本外逃的不同渠道 ,通过国际收支平衡表上的相应项目以及我国与主要贸易伙伴国双边贸易数据建立了新的测算方法。
Through the analysis of related items such as goods, services, income, direct investment, reserve in China\'s balance of payments from 2000 to 2007, this paper reveals the status quo and development of China\'s foreign direct investment, then gives some suggestions.
Research on the Effect of FDI to China s Balance of Payments;
The paper firstly establishes a theoretical model to study FDI,capital account and current account, in order to explore the effect of FDI on the Balance of Payments,and then give an empirical testing through sta- tistical data from 1982 to 2006.
The standard of whether or not the international reserve scale of a state is moderate is that the optimal international reserve stock and the ability of stabilizing exchange rate when balance of payments deficit appears.
从长期看 ,中国的国际储备需求主要由国民收入、进口倾向、储备的机会成本、债务风险和国际收支平衡等因素决定 ;从短期看 ,中国的国际储备需求还受到货币政策的影响。
In view of the present stage of economic development, it is not yet a good opportunity for China to realize international balance of payments and ease international trading relationship by increasing international tourism expenditure.
Processing trade and balance of international payments;
To Explain the Chinese Balance Form of International Payments in 2005;
Brief Analysis on the Current Account of the International Balance of Payments of the Year 2005;
The Contrastive Analysis on China's International Balance of Payment (1982-2007)
There is one account called"Errors and Omissions"in the balance of payments statements.
How do we group the international transactions in the balance of international payments statements?
This definition of the balanceof-payments account is straightforward enough.
Accounting Analysis about Effect of Illegal Transactions on Balance of International Payments;
Only economic transactions between domestic and foreign residents are~ ed in the balance of payments.
The surplus item is identified by a plus in the balance-of-payment account when actual numbers, are considered.
Analysis of China international balance sheet error and omission item changes s economy influence;
Development of China’s Foreign Direct Investment: In View of the Balance Change of Payments
Statements of balance of international payments usually present three kinds of transactions: Current Account, Capital Account and Balancing Account.
Sound balance of international payments will in the main be achieved.
What is a balance of international payment?
balance of payments' difficulties and so on.
fundmental disequillibrium
Processed trade,FDI and China international unbalance between income and payment;
Offset margin of BOP, achieve new growth equilibrium
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