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the additional insured是什么意思



1)the additional insured,附加被保险人2)accessory risks,附加保险,附加险3)the insured,被保险人4)insurant,被保险人5)insured,被保险人6)the assured,被保险人


    It is provided under the17th item in Chinese existing Law of Insurance that insurance applicant has the duty of disclosure,while the insured,the agent or broker of insurance applicant is not involved, which shows a discrepancy with the insurance law of other countries.


    Based on the Chinese laws,the paper pointed out that insurable interest means that the applicant or the insured has the interest on the subject matter of insurance which is not prohibited by the laws,and both sellers and buyers in international cargo sales have insurable interest on the cargo.


    The company of insurance broker is important bridge which insurer and insurant communicate in the insurance market.


    <Abstrcat> The insurance law of China is fairly general in the provision of the insrant s right and obligation, and, especially, it has not prescribed whether the insurant has the right to know the modifications of the insurance contract when the insurant and the policy-holder are not the same person.


    Abstract: Being a mortgagee, the legal status of a bank in a housing mortgage insurance is “insurant” other than “beneficiary”.

    作为抵押权人的银行 ,在抵押房产保险中的法律身份应是被保险人 ,而非受益人 ;将受益人这一具有人身保险的特殊法律属性的专门概念随意地混用于财产保险中 ,不合保险法理 ,在实践中也无法有效地保障银行的抵押权益 ,银行应该理清法律关系。

    Insured Approval and the Effect of the Insurance Contract;


    Such the settlement problem is, when third man as to the insurance mishap when insures outside the contract relationship carries on the back the responsibility, the statue is endowed with the right that the insured subrogation insured required to the third injury reparations of man.

    保险代位追偿权制度是目前各国保险立法普遍确认的一项制度,其解决的问题是,当保险合同关系以外的第三人对 于保险事故负有责任时,法律赋予保险人代位行使被保险人对第三人的损害赔偿请求的权利。

    Studies the obligation of disclosure of the assured in marine insurance in three parts, namely the deadline for the performance of the obligation of disclosure, the essentials, and result of breach of the obligation on the part of the assured.


    The concept of the assured in our country s insurance law in effect is too obscure, and the pattern that the assured in personal insurance and in property insurance is not supported sufficiently in respect of logicality and reality, which should be amended .

    我国现行保险法中被保险人概念过于模糊 ,且对人身保险和财产保险中的被保险人概念统一定义的模式缺乏逻辑和实践的支撑 ,应当修改。

    the Insured should inform the agent ASAP.


    What makes insurant, underwriter, a third party?


    On the Right of Consent of the Insured in Personal Insurance Contract;


    The assured has an insurable interest in the charges of any insurance which be may effect.


    a Bad risk


    Study on the Insured s Rights under the View of Insurance Law;


    Study on Distribution of Insurance Premium after the Death of the Insurant;


    "insurance law " although stipulate insurant commits suicide, the underwriter does not assume insurance responsibility.


    The policyholder and the insured could be different persons.


    policy holder, the insured, or the beneficiary intentionally create an insurance incident with property loss to deceive insurance money;


    The policy covers all the selling contracts within the policy period.


    The Insurance Compensation When Insurant and Beneficiary Died at One Time;


    Article220 The insured amount shall be agreed upon between the insurer and the insured.


    Answer relatively and the right of the underwriter with safe belongings and insurant and obligation coexist.


    When insurant suffers accident harm to cause death, the underwriter gives pay insurance against death gold.


    When insurant causes maimed person because of sufferring accident harm, the underwriter abandons insurance gold to Fu Can.


    the premium involved will be for the Insured.


    This Policy may be canceled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at the option of the Company by giving a fifteen 15 days prior notice to the Insured.
