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Coalition on Service Industry [Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce]是什么意思



1)Coalition on Service Industry [Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce],服务业联会[香港总商会]2)Coalition on Service Industry[Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce],服务业联会[香港总商会]3)Coalition on Service Industry (Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce),服务业联会(香港总商会)4)Coalition on Service Industry(Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce),服务业联会(香港总商会)5)service,服务6)services,服务7)serve,服务8)serving,服务9)IT service,IT服务10)server,服务


    Strictly Strengthening Management to Promote Efficiency, Intensifying Service to Upgrade Level, Pushing forward the Service Stations to Reach the Standard and Innovation,;

    严抓管理促效益 强化服务上水平 努力推动加油站达标创星工作向前发展

    Two Prerequisites for Quality Service in Gas Stations;


    Connotation and characteristics of marine ecosystem services;


    Investigation on Consumers Degree of Satisfaction with Hospital Pharmacy Services;


    Investigation on Nurses (or Chief Nurses )Behavior in Clinical Pharmacy Services;


    Action of Reader Profession Archives in Reinforcement of Serve Function in Speciality Library of University;


    In order to improve the quality of our service and protect the right of the patients and medical staff as well, we intensify the reeducation of our staff in registration room, improve our skills of serves and enhance the communication between the patients and staff members in registration room.


    Updating Internal Auditing Concept, Serving Internal Managing;

    更新内审理念 服务内部管理

    An Analysis of the Achievement and Problems of Guangxi s Colleges and Universities Scientific Research in Serving Local Economy;


    Using Thoughts of Financial Public Relations to Serving for the Socialist Market Economy;

    运用财政公关思想 为社会主义市场经济服务

    Research Report for Customer Relationship Management Based on IT Service Management Process;


    To promote the sustainable development of the construction of electric power information,the ideology of electric power enterprise featured IT service and management system,which is coordinated with the strategy of client satisfactory(CS),enterprise asset management(EAM) and IT infrastructure library(ITIL),was put forward.


    The fact is that the IT service and outgo is developing so rapidly that even the telecom enterprises are becoming "integrative information service provider".


    We first provide the problem description, then discuss the implementation of common classes,client and server, corresponding problems of application execution are presented last.

    本文以文件分类问题为背景介绍了Jini应用设计与实现的方法 ;在问题描述的基础上 ,分别对常用类、客户与服务的实现作了说明 ;最后介绍了应用运行的有关问题。

    The main problems solved by high available system software is to ensure the availability of system and ensure that the servers can provide clients discontinuous and credible services with 7 days in every week and 24 hours in every day.


    It is based on Solaris operating system, and runs on double servers system.

    “群英高可用性系统软件”(缩写为 HHA)是装备指挥技术学院自主研究开发成功的软件系统 ,它基于 Solaris操作系统平台 ,构成双服务器系统 ,具备服务级的粒度管理和对系统软、硬件资源的实时监控和故障恢复等功能 ,为客户提供不间断的高可用性服务 。